Best Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build in Last Epoch

A high speed assassin.

An edited image showing the icon for the Bladedancer Mastery in Last Epoch alongside a player.
Images via Eleventh Hour Games/Remix by Dot Esports

With five different classes to play in Last Epoch, there is a lot of build variety. If you prefer a faster, assassin-like playstyle, the Rogue is the class for you. Then, to make the most out of this playstyle, you could definitely pick the Shadow Daggers build for the Bladedancer Rogue.

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Last Epoch Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build

For a Shadow Daggers build, you will have to apply the Shadow Daggers debuff to as many enemies as possible by spamming skills to debuff enemies. If you like watching daggers fly around and wipe out screens of enemies, this build is for you.

The idea for this build is inspired by notable content creator McFluffin and is our variation on the classic Shadow Daggers build. We recommend having a Bladedancer at least at level 50 or optimally, level 75, with enough points to reallocate as needed.


An image of the Rogue's passives in Last Epoch.
Building up her stats. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

The key passives used for this build all revolve around a few stats: Dexterity, Attack speed, Dodge rating, Health, Damage, Damage Leech, and Critical Strike. You can experiment with other passives as you level up because Last Epoch is quite generous with skill respecs when you decide to change up your choices for a more optimal endgame build.

Rogue passives

Rogue PassiveStats gained
Swift AssassinAttack speed, Physical damage
Steady HandDexterity, Health
GuileDodge rating, Poison resistance
Twin BladeCan dual wield melee weapons, increases damage taken
EvasionDodge rating, Damage resistance (while moving)
Dodge and ParryDodge rating, Chance of Glancing Blow when hit
AgilityChance for Haste on hit, Increased damage with increased movement speed
DuelistDamage, Dodge rating
Critical PrecisionCritical strike chance
ThiefguardHealth, Health recovery on Glancing Blow

Bladedancer passives

Bladedancer PassiveStats gained
Cloak of ShadowsDodge, Chance of Glancing Blow when hit
PursuitMelee damage, Attack damage, Movespeed
OncePhysical damage, Dodge rating
Shroud of DuskHealth, Chance of Dusk Shroud when hit
Veil of NightAttack speed, Chance of Dusk Shroud when hit
Asuvon’s PactDodge rating, Bonus damage at full health
Blood DanceDamage leech, Increased leech rate
Flash of SteelDamage, Attack speed
Weapons of Choice (optional)Various abilities (depending on weapon choices)
PerfectionGain Perfection stacks for increased damage
Argent VeilGain Silver Shroud when health drops to 70 percent
ConfidenceArmor, Dodge rating (based on Perfection stacks)
Cloaked ReaperHealth gain on kill
Critical EyeCritical strike chance, Critical Vulnerability
Hooked BladesArmor shred
ExuberanceDamage (based on full health)
All InCritical strike multiplier increase

An alternate route is picking up the Apostacy passive. However, this route is riskier and we don’t recommend it unless you are an experienced player or you’re playing multiplayer.

Marksman/Falconer passives

PassiveStats gained
Focus Fire (Marksman)Dexterity, Reduce boss Dodge rating on hit
Concentration (Marksman)Damage
Meditation (Marksman)Dodge rating, Concentration cooldown
Reflection (Marksman)Dodge rating, Movement speed (Concentration)
Wilderness Scout (Falconer)Health, Dodge rating
Raptor’s Wings (Falconer)Chance for Haste on hit, Increased damage with Haste
Outlander’s Tenacity (Falconer)Dodge rating, Increased Endurance threshold
Stamina of the Rover (Falconer)Dodge rating, Mana regen

If you feel like certain passives are granting you diminishing returns, it might help to respec them into more impactful passives as you continue your leveling journey.

Skill Build

An image of the Rogue's skills in Last Epoch.
The right skills for this build. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

The Shadow Daggers build revolves around applying the Shadow Daggers debuff with the other skills in your arsenal. As you level up, you can choose optimal skills to make your journey easier. Pick a point between level 50 and level 75 to respec into these five skills.

1) Shift (Rogue level three)

Shift is a great traversal skill that allows the Bladedancer to get out of sticky situations. The main specializations are Dancing Shadows, Consumed by Shadow, and Hidden Blades.

Unseen StrikeCasts Unseen Strike while using Shift
VelocityShift costs less mana and has a shorter cooldown
Consumed by ShadowUnseen Strike instantly kills enemies below 12 percent health
Broad SweepUnseen Strike hits a wider area
Hidden BladesUnseen Strike applies Shadow Daggers
MomentumGain increased Movement speed while using Shift
Lasting PresenceCasting Shift creates a Shadow
Dancing ShadowsCasts Shadow Cascade after using Shift
Swift RecoveryUsing Shift restores mana. This effect triples when below half health
Shadow SlipGain invulnerability when using Shift

2) Smoke Bomb (Five Rogue passive points)

Smoke Bomb is an amazing defensive skill that obscures all enemies in its radius and speeds up the Bladedancer. The main specializations here are Smoke Blades and Moonlight Bomb.

Thick SmokeSlows enemies in the smoke cloud
Shrouded in DarknessGain Dusk Shroud in the smoke cloud
GenerosityIncreases AOE
Lingering FumesIncreases duration
Impending GloomFurther increases AOE and spread speed
Smoke BladesGain Smoke Blades in the smoke cloud
Escape TacticsBackflip away after casting Smoke Bomb
EnfeeblementApplies Frailty to caught enemies
Moonlight BombGain Silver Shroud in the smoke cloud
Rapid ConcealmentGain Dusk Shroud more rapidly

3) Umbral Strike (Rogue level 16)

Umbral Strike is a powerful damage skill that will be the primary way to proc Shadow Daggers. The main specializations are Sword Thrower and Cacophony of Steel.

DawnfallChance to gain Dusk Shroud
Jagged CarvingsIncreases throwing physical damage
Precision CutsLands at the cast location with increased attack speed
Edge of ObscurityDeals more damage per stack of Dusk Shroud. Bonuses doubled when standing in Smoke Bomb
Umbral RemnantShadows cast Umbral Blade before disappearing
Sword ThrowerNow throws one large Umbral Blade with bonus damage and radius
Lethal DarknessInflicts Shadow Daggers on hit
Cacophony of SteelCreates up to three active Bladestorms on the ground
Steel TorrentIncreased AOE and damage of Bladestorms
LoathingBladestorms seek out nearby enemies.

4) Shadow Cascade (Five Bladedancer passive points)

Shadow Cascade is a strong attack that damages all enemies around the Bladedancer. The main specializations are Dagger Dance and Shadow Elegance.

Shadow TorrentDeal more damage per active Shadow
DismantleChance to shred enemy armor on hit
OnslaughtGain 25 percent mana refund when a Shadow is active
Fight in the ShadowsGain mana using the skill when a Shadow is active
Crushing DanceDeals bonus damage but no longer scales with attack speed
Battle TranceIncreased Dodge rating
IncapacitateChance to apply Frailty debuff on hit
Dagger DanceThrows additional piercing daggers for bonus damage
Porcupine’s WrathThrows even more piercing daggers but no longer has a melee attack
DaggerflowDagger Dance lasts longer and flies further

5) Synchronized Strike (10 Bladedancer passive points)

Synchronized Strike doubles as a mobility skill and a damage skill. The main specializations are Dark Allies, Umbral Assassination, and Perfect Coordination.

Growing DarknessIncreased AOE
Razor StrikesChance to cause bleeding and shred physical resistance
Crimson StormGain Crimson Shroud on skill usage
ForeshadowingCreated Shadows deal bonus damage
Dark AlliesCreates two additional Shadows for twice the mana
Coordinated CutsChance to shred enemy armor on hit
Umbral AssassinationInflicts Shadow Daggers on hit
DynamicsReduced mana costs
Art of the BladeIncreased Attack speed on hit
Perfect CoordinationCreated Shadows jump inwards towards the target

Required Gear

An image showing the Rogue's inventory in Last Epoch.
Gear maketh the Bladedancer. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

The right gear for a Shadow Daggers Bladedancer revolves around a few unique items that power up the character in the endgame. The best way to acquire these would be to run Monolith Echoes in the End of Time and complete Prophecies.

Gear slots

The best-in-slot items for gear are as follows.

Main WeaponEviscerating Smoke Weaver of Stillness
Off-hand weaponDagger/Sword with: Damage, Critical multiplier, Armor shred, Damage leech
HelmHelmet with: Shadow Daggers Penetration, Health, Endurance
Body ArmorRogue’s Wings of Argentus
BeltBelt with: Damage, Health, Armor
GlovesCatapult’s Li’Raka’s Claws of the Giant
BootsBoots with: Movement Speed, Health, Armor
RingsBallista’s Siphon of Anguish of Sanctuary, Ring with: Damage, Dexterity
AmuletAmulet with: Damage, Critical Multiplier, Armor shred
RelicRelic with: Dexterity, Damage, Health, Dodge rating


Idols grant passive bonuses to the Bladedancer. Farm up these in the Monoliths to push your stats even further.

  • Increased Shadow Daggers Damage
  • Increased Shadow Daggers Effect
  • Increased Armor Shred Duration
  • Increased Penetration
  • Increased Health
  • Increased Resistances

Complete all of the side quests in the main campaign to unlock all of the Idol slots you will need.


An image of the Rogue's Blessings in Last Epoch.
True endgame power. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

Blessings round up this build by adding the last bit of endgame power to your Bladedancer. These Blessings will also help you farm additional gear. There are 10 Timelines to complete in the Monolith of Fate, each rewarding you with a choice of three Blessings.

Fall of the OutcastsPride of RebellionIncreased Grand Idol Drop Rate
The Stolen LanceArrogance of ArgentusIncreased Helmet Drop Rate
The Black SunWinds of OblivionIncreased Critical Strike Chance
Blood, Frost, and DeathSubtlety of SlaughterIncreased Dagger Drop Rate
Ending the StormBastion of DivinityIncreased Elemental Resistance
Fall of the EmpireHeight of MasteryIncreased Class-specific Shard Drop Rate
Reign of DragonsResolve of HumanityIncreased All Resistance
The Last RuinKnowledge of SkillIncreased Skill Shard Drop Rate
The Age of WinterFury of the NorthIncreased Chance to Shred Physical Armor
Spirits of FireBody of ObsidianIncreased Armor

After unlocking Empowered Monoliths, you will unlock Grand versions of each Blessing, maximizing your endgame Last Epoch stats and farming power.

Image of Anish Nair
Anish Nair
Freelance gaming writer for Dot Esports. An avid gamer of 25 years with a soft spot for RPGs and strategy games. Esports writer for 2 years and a watcher for 12 years. Aspiring author. Dad to a host of animals. Usually found trying to climb ranks in Dota 2, plundering the seas in Sea of Thieves, hunting large monsters in Monster Hunter World, or mining rare minerals in Deep Rock Galactic.