Remnant 2: How to get the White Glass Bead ring in The Awakened King DLC

One of the rarest rings in Remnant 2.

The White Glass Bead, a ring in Remnant 2 The Awakened King.
Screenshot by Dot Esports.

The White Glass Bead is among the most powerful of the rings added to Remnant 2 in The Awakened King DLC.

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Getting your hands on this item isn’t exactly difficult, but it most certainly calls for a good deal of luck and specific circumstances to be met. Read on to learn how to get the White Glass Bead in Remnant 2.

How to get the White Glass Bead in The Awakened King DLC

To get the White Glass Bead ring, you first will need to have rolled the right procedural generated dungeons in The Awakened King. Because the first “one-shot” setting on Adventure Mode is designed to only include DLC content, you cannot get the White Glass Bead from the one-shot playthrough.

This is because you need to roll The Great Hall dungeon as part of The Awakened King—which is a base-game Losomn Dungeon. As such, this map will not be included in your first playthrough (assuming that playthrough was accessed through Adventure Mode. If it was encountered at random in Campaign, it is possible you could have The Great Hall). It’s possible to roll The Great Hall from your second roll onward, but you won’t actually know whether you got lucky until you’re a decent bit of the way through The Awakened King.

When can you access The Great Hall in The Awakened King DLC?

If you rolled The Great Hall, it will be accessible via The King’s Palace. If you’re familiar with The Awakened King, you probably just groaned. The King’s Palace is pretty much the last leg of the DLC content, which means you will have to complete most of The Awakened King before you can actually know whether you rolled The Great Hall this time around.

If you did roll The Great Hall, you don’t actually have to do very much to acquire the White Glass Bead once you’ve made it into the dungeon itself.

What to do once you’ve rolled The Great Hall in The Awakened King

Enter the Great Hall, and fight your way through the relatively short dungeon. At the end of it, you will encounter The Feast Master, and you will definitely know him when see him (many players will also recognize him from the base game). The Feast Master himself is not an enemy, and speaking to him is the most important step of acquiring the White Glass Bead.

The Hero in Remnant 2 speaking with The Feast Master in The Great Hall.
Looks…great? Screenshot by Dot Esports.

When you speak to the Feast Master inside The Great Hall via The Awakened King, he will ask if you know Leywise (you do). If you don’t recall Leywise or simply didn’t speak to him, he is the mysterious Fae man in the sewer tunnels towards the beginning of the Forlorn Coast, and he is clearly marked with an NPC icon on your map.

The Feast Master will tell you he is sad Leywise couldn’t be present for the feast, and he will give you the Feast Master’s Leftovers, which he requests you bring to Leywise. Bring the Feast Master’s Leftovers to Leywise, and he will give you the White Glass Bead as a reward. Leywise will be reluctant to accept the gift at first, but simply continuing to insist that you want him to have it will do the trick. When Leywise accepts the Leftovers, you will also unlock the achievement A Foul Feast, which only 0.2 percent of players have at the time of writing this article.

The hero speaking to Leywise in the tunnels of the Forlorn Coast in Remnant 2.
It’s for the greater good, buddy. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

White Glass Bead item stats

The item description page for the White Glass Bead in Remnant 2.
Never seen a ring with a bandage wrap before. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

The White Glass Bead is a personal favorite ring of mine in Remnant 2, and anyone who loves timing those dodges just right is bound to agree with me. When you have the White Glass Bead equipped, you are a granted a shield equal to 15 percent of your max health every time you perform a Perfect Dodge. The shield lasts for 10 seconds or until destroyed, and it does not stack with itself. While it may not stack, it also doesn’t have a cooldown, so you can reactivate the shield the second it goes away, provided you are able to hit another Perfect Dodge.

Image of Pierce Bunch
Pierce Bunch
Freelance writer and jack-of-all-games.