How to assign Pals to jobs in Palworld

Get the most out of your Pals.

pals on assembly line in palworld
Image via Pocketpair

Getting a functioning base in Palworld can be tough due to the buggy nature of Pals. Having a Pal do multiple things at once can leave you with half-finished projects or a disorganized base.

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While it isn’t perfect, here are ways to assign your Pals to a single job in Palworld to hopefully get your base under control.

How to assign Pals to jobs

To assign a Pal to a job, you simply need to walk up to a Pal you have out on your base and an option will appear to lift it up. On PC this is the F key, and on Xbox it’s the X button. Once you have it lifted, just throw it towards a workstation it has the skills to work at and it should start working there.


In order to know if your Pal is capable of working at a certain workstation, you’ll want to check their work suitability. To do this, simply open your Party menu and select the Pal. Their work suitability will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

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“Should” being the word here. As people have complained at launch of Pals running off mere seconds after being assigned to work on something else entirely. However, we’ve found a work-around that will allow you to more reliably assign Pals to tasks.

Assigning Pals in your Party to a job

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One of the only reliable ways currently that I have found to make a Pal constantly work at a specific station is to do the following:

  1. Make your preferred Pal your partner Pal.
  2. Throw its Pal Sphere at your preferred workstation.
  3. It should now be assigned to that workstation.

So long as you remain in the bases’ boundaries, this one Pal will constantly work at the area in question. If you leave the base blue boundary, though, the Pal will follow you, but if you return to the boundary, it’ll return to the station it was originally assigned to without fail.

This can be tedious, but at least it’s reliable. So, if you want to go AFK and let your Pal make bullets for example, you can do so knowing the work is at least being done.

Have Pals with single skills in your base

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Most of the issues I have seen when it comes to confusing Pal AI is when a Pal can do multiple things at once. Luckily, we’ve put together a list of the best Pals to use in your base

While it is useful to have a Pal that can build and also gather, having a group of Pals that only know how to build items or craft medicine will be beneficial in the long term as that is the only thing they will do.

Foxparks, for example, only have the fire skill, so they’ll only ever cook food or make Ingots for you based on what you assign them to do. That’s a guarantee, and it won’t go between jobs either.

Use these Pals that have specific and specialized skills to better support your base’s efforts, and it’ll save you time and levels in your patience stat bar.

Image of Adam Newell
Adam Newell
Assigning Editor. In 2015, Adam graduated from the University of Aberystwyth with a bachelor's in Media and Communications. Working in the industry for over ten years. If it has anything to do with Nintendo and Pokémon chances are you will see me talking about it, covering, and likely not sleeping while playing it.