Which LoL champion says, ‘Naptime for you!’?

That sounds ominous.

League of Legends champions Yone, Caitlyn, Illaoi, Veigar, and Kindred rushing into battle together.
Image via Riot Games

The LoLdle team has certainly been keeping up the mysterious theme for the League of Legends champion quotes this week, and today’s Loldle quote is just that—mysterious and obscure. Unless you know your sleep-inducing League champions pretty well, the Aug. 23 LoLdle quote’s not an easy one to crack.

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Who says, “Naptime for you!” in LoL?

The LoLdle quote on Aug. 23 is, “Naptime for you!” The League champion who says this line is Zoe.

An image of Zoe along with the success message for the Aug. 23 LoLdle quote
She has a lot of taunts as well. Screenshot by Dot Esports via LoLdle.

In today’s LoLdle quote, the word that stood out to me the most was “naptime,” which means the League champion must have a sleep ability. The only two I thought of who wield sleep magic are Lillia and Zoe. Because we just had a Lillia LoLdle quote—less than 72 hours ago, in fact—I didn’t think the LoLdle team would put another Lillia voiceline into the mix so soon after that one, so I chose Zoe instead and it was right!

Unfortunately, I’m not a Zoe main so I know little about her other than her ability to put someone to sleep, which is called Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E). But that isn’t when she says this quote (and apparently, it pays to play often). She actually says “Naptime for you!” when she’s killed a champion, which is kind of scary.

While her voicelines are somewhat concerning, you don’t have to be worried about Zoe for at least a few more weeks; she’s not getting buffed in League Patch 14.17. If you’re looking for a League champion to play on the Rift or in ARAM anytime soon, Zoe’s one you’ll probably want to avoid unless you’re a one-trick.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews is a staff writer for Dot Esports with a dual degree in business and human resource management. After discovering her passion for creative writing and gaming, she now writes about MOBAs, MMOs, and cozy games.