Wizard buffs bounce strategies through Dinsey Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn spoiler Arthur

Get ready to bounce your stuff in Disney Lorcana.

Image of Arthur studying through Disney Lorcana Rise of the Floodborn Arthur, Wizard's Apprentice
Arthur, Wizard's Apprentice | Image via Ravensburger/Disney

Synergizing with Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn spoilers from yesterday, Ravensburger dropped another Character piece into the bounce package through Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice this week.

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Multiple Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn spoilers dropped early on Oct. 19, leading up to the soft launch through local stores on Nov. 17. All the cards were in French but that didn’t slow the community down when it came to translating.

Standing out from the raft of interesting Rise of the Floodborn spoilers was another Amethyst-colored Lorcana card that synergizes with the Merlin cycle bounce strategy. Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice is expected to be a bounce engine, much like Madam Mim, Snake, gaining Lore while bouncing another Character back to hand. 

Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice Lorcana spoiler

Image of Arthur studying through Disney Lorcana Rise of the Floodborn Arthur, Wizard's Apprentice
Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice | Image via Ravensburger/Disney

Learning the ways of wizardry is Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice, a three-drop un-Inkable Character in the color of Amethyst with 1/3 stats. 

  • Casting cost: Three (un-Inkable)
  • Type: Dreamborn, Hero, and Sorcerer
  • Color: Amethyst
  • Stats: 1/3
  • Student: Whenever this Character Quests, you may return another chosen Character of yours to your hand and gain two Lore. 

Featured within the Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn set is a cycle of Merlin cards that synergize with Characters getting returned to hand, or bounced. Gaining Lore value from other Characters getting bounced back to hand is Merlin, Shapeshifter. The sorcerer is a decent combo with Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice, as are the other three Merlin Characters.

The trick, though, will be deciding whether Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice is enough to fuel a bounce deck or if Madam Mim, Snake is needed too. And with Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice having an unInkable casting cost, it’s possible the growing wizard doesn’t make the cut.

Players can test out the Disney Lorcana bounce deck and Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice when Rise of the Floodborn drops in stores on Nov. 17 and major outlets on Dec. 1. 

Danny Forster
Lead Magic: The Gathering/Teamfight Tactics scribe and staff writer for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida and has been a journalist for seven years, of which five have been at Dot Esports. Prior media outllets Danny wrote for were Screen Rant and TheGamer. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.