Disney Lorcana completes Merlin cycle with Goat in Rise of the Floodborn spoilers

Another target for Madam Mim, Snake.

Image of cranky old goat through Disney Lorcana Merlin Goat Rise of the Floodborn
Merlin, Goat | Image via Ravensburger/Disney

Spoiler season for Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn heated up on Oct. 18 with the final Merlin card in the Amethyst color, completing the cycle while providing Madam Mim, Snake with another solid target. 

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The second chapter from Disney Lorcana is slated to drop into local game stores on Nov. 17. Leading up to the soft launch, Rise of the Floodborn spoilers began consistently dropping on Oct. 18. A second Merlin was revealed as a crab, and Madam Mim, Snake slithered onto the scene with a powerful ability that synergizes with the final Merlin Lorcana card: Merlin, Goat. 

Merlin, Goat Lorcana spoiler

Image of cranky old goat through Disney Lorcana Merlin Goat Rise of the Floodborn
Merlin, Goat | Image via Ravensburger/Disney

Synergizing with the bounce effect from Madam Mim, Snake, Merlin, Goat gains Lore through entering and leaving Play (the battlefield). 

  • Casting cost: Four (Inkable)
  • Type: Storyborn, Mentor, and Sorcerer
  • Color: Amethyst
  • Stats: 4/3
  • Here I Come! ability: When you Play this Character and he leaves, gain one Lore. 

As a four-drop Inkable Character with 4/3 stats, Merlin, Goat is a solid Amethyst card. The goat can only Exert for one Lore but gains Lore for its controller by entering and leaving Play. Under normal circumstances, Merlin, Goat is an above-average card that should see play. In conjunction with Madam Mim, Snake, the Storyborn Sorcerer becomes quite dangerous. 

Image of snake hissing through Disney Lorcana Madam Mim, Snake Rise of the Floodborn
Madam Mim, Snake | Image via Ravensburger/Disney

Madam Mim, Snake is a new Rise of the Floodborn Character in the color Amethyst that either banishes itself upon entering Play or returns one of your Characters to hand. The ability is a bounce effect that can change the course of a game when Characters that are bounced gain you an advantage. 

The four Merlin Lorcana spoilers

Within the Rise of the Floodborn set are three Merlin Characters in the Amethyst color: Squirrel, Crab, and Goat. And all three have abilities that benefit their controller upon entering and leaving Play. 

Merlin, Squirrel is a solid two-drop Inkable Character that provides card advantage upon entering and leaving Play while Merlin, Crab beefs up the power of another Character when they Challenge. Merlin, Goat gains Lore. And Merlin, Shapeshifter ties the bounce package together by gaining Lore for that turn when a Character is returned to hand. Each is powerful in its own right and they all may end up in the same thematic build. 

Regarding playability, I feel like Merlin, Goat is an auto-include in a bounce deck, along with Merlin, Squirrel. I like Crab too but feel like this version of Merlin fits better in a sideboard, or with only a couple of copies in the main deck. Both Merlin, Goat, and Squirrel, however, are four-ofs for now in my Madam Mim, Snake, and Merlin, Shapeshifter bounce deck. 

Players can test out all the Merlin Disney Lorcana cards and the Madam Mim, Snake combo when Rise of the Floodborn drops into local game stores on Nov. 17 and major retail outlets on Dec. 1. 

Danny Forster
Lead Magic: The Gathering/Teamfight Tactics scribe and staff writer for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida and has been a journalist for seven years, of which five have been at Dot Esports. Prior media outllets Danny wrote for were Screen Rant and TheGamer. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.