Best Aestri Dead by Daylight Builds

It's time for a performance.

An image from Dead By Daylight of Aestri pointing to something out of the frame.
Image from Behaviour Interactive

Aestri is an elf added to Dead By Daylight alongside the Dungeons and Dragons collaboration who uses magical perks to escape the trial. If you’ve just purchased this elf and are wondering how to utilize their unique playstyle, here are the best early, mid, and late-game builds for Aestri.

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Best Early Game Aesteri Build in DBD

An image from Dead By Daylight of Aestri using the Still Sight perk. This allows you to see auras through walls when standing still.
Stand still to see the killer. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

Similar to every other Survivor in DBD, Aestri won’t have access to other characters’ perks until you level them up through the bloodweb. Luckily, there are still great starter perks to use:

Still SightAfter standing still for four seconds, you see the auras of the Killer, chests, and generators within 24 meters.
KindredWhenever you or another Survivor is hooked, the auras of all Survivors are revealed to you. If the Killer is within 16 meters of the hook, you also see the Killer’s aura.
Dark SenseEach time a generator is completed, you see the aura of the Killer for 10 seconds if they are within 24 meters of you.
ResilienceWhenever you are injured, gain a nine percent increase to healing, unhooking, repairing, sabotaging, vaulting, cleansing, blessing, opening, and unlocking.

Newer DBD players can struggle to understand where the Killer and objectives are located. This starter build focuses on aura perks like Still Sight so you can see important people and objects through walls. Resilience is an added starter perk that makes your actions faster if you’re injured, which can help you become comfortable traversing the map at any health state. 

Best Mid-Game Aesteri Build in DBD

An image from Dead By Daylight of the Mirrored Illusion perk. This perk allows Aestri to create a fake illusion of themselves that can trick the killer.
Send the Killer in the wrong direction. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

As you continue to level up Aestri, you’ll gain access to higher-level perks and become more skilled at thwarting the Killer. You may also expand your character pool, using unique perks from other Survivors:

Mirrored IllusionAfter repairing a generator for 50 percent progress, use the active ability button to create an illusion of yourself on a generator, chest, exit gate, or totem. These illusions last for 120 seconds.
Blast MineFrom Jill Valentine. After repairing a generator for 50 percent progress, use the active ability button to install a trap on a generator that stays active for 120 seconds. If the Killer kicks this generator during the timeframe, they will be stunned and blinded.
Déjà VuShows you the auras of the three generators that are closest together on the map. Your repair speed is six percent faster on these generators.
Sprint BurstFrom Meg Thomas. Run 50 percent faster for three seconds, but become Exhausted for 40 seconds.

This build is designed around completing generators quickly and protecting your progress with different tools. The Mirrored Illusion perk allows you to create a holographic copy of yourself around the map, which can easily trick the killer from afar. Both Déjà Vu and Blast Mine are added to allow you to complete generators faster and defend generators from getting kicked. Finally, Sprint Burst lets you quickly flee the Killer if they ambush you.

Best Late Game Aesteri Build in DBD

An image from Dead By Daylight of Aestri using the Bardic Inspiration perk, where she pulls out a lute and plays a song to inspire survivors.
Boost your efficiency with a tune. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

Once your Aestri is fully leveled, you can utilize perks that buff you and other survivors. Furthermore, try to extend your chases with the Killer, as this allows your team to repair uninterrupted:

Bardic InspirationFrom Dwight Fairfield. While using this perk, you and any other Survivors within a four-meter range will have a 10 percent increased repair speed, up to a maximum of 30 percent.
Prove ThyselfFrom Dwight Fairfield. While using this perk, you and any other Survivors within a four meter range will have a 10 percent increased repair speed, up to a maximum of 30 percent.
Dead HardFrom David King. Press the active ability button while running to become immune to damage for half a second. This perk can only be used after you are unhooked.
Decisive StrikeFrom Laurie Strode. When you are unhooked, this perk activates for 60 seconds. If the Killer picks you up during this time frame, you can complete a skill check that will stun the Killer for four seconds, causing you to run free.

This build is split into two different sections; one focused on finishing generators and the other on escaping. By using Bardic Inspiration next to a generator you can apply a skill check buff to all Survivors in the area while also applying the Prove Thyself speed increase. You can use the other two perks to extend the time you’re in a chase with the Killer. Dead Hard can tank an extra attack, and Decisive Strike will prevent the Killer from tunneling you out of the game.

How To Play As Aesteri Effectively in DBD

An image from the Dead By Daylight Lobby screen, showcasing Asteri wielding her trusty lute to play a tune.
Aestri is always ready for a show. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

Asteri fills an interesting role in DBD because each of their perks has widely different effects. This lets you become a master of deception, an all-seeing shot-caller, or an inspiring musician who buffs everyone’s skills. 

These three roles require other perks to create a complete playstyle, so I recommend only using one of Asteri’s signature perks at a time. For players looking to confuse the killer, Mirrored Illusion can create some serious trickery.

If you prefer to stand still and take in your surroundings, you can use Still Sight to track the Killer’s location. Bardic Inspiration can buff your entire team at once but requires you to roll a D20, so RNG may not be on your side. 

Overall, Asteri is a jack-of-all-trades in Dead By Daylight, capable of sewing chaos and bolstering the skills of the entire party.

Image of John Wildermuth
John Wildermuth
John is a graduate from the University of California, Los Angeles and wields a degree in English. He is constantly staying up to date on the latest and greatest games, and has been writing about gaming for over a year now. When he is not playing games, he can be found reading sci-fi and fantasy books or working on ceramics.