Cyberpunk 2077: Should you side with Dex or Evelyn in The Information?

How do you want to split your money?

Evelyn Parker in The Information, Cyberpunk 2077.
Screenshot by Dot Esports.

One of the many choices you will have to face early on in Cyberpunk 2077 is whether to side with Dex or Evelyn in The Information quest. We will walk you through this tough moral choice and give you some insight on what to pick.

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Here’s how to complete The Information quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Heads up, spoilers below.

Should you side with Evelyn or Dex in The Information quest?

Evelyn stands with a cigarette in minimal light in Cyberpunk 2077.
Evelyn fills you in on what’s going on. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Information is a main quest in Cyberpunk 2077 that sees you hired by Dex DeShawn to complete a heist by looking for details about a braindance and tracking down a relic that eventually leads you to choose between siding with Evelyn Parker or Dex.

You gain access to this quest after completing The Ride, and it’s part of a quest line that eventually leads you to become heavily involved with Judy and even potentially romancing her (if you’re a female V).

Starting The Information quest in Cyberpunk 2077

It starts with you meeting up at Lizzie’s bar. After talking to a bartender, Evelyn will make herself known to you. She’ll take you to the VIP room and talk about the mission you’re on—she wants to know as much about you as possible. She tells you more about The Relic, the MacGuffin in question.

Dex, in case you didn’t pick up on it by now, is a powerful and notorious fixer. She makes sure you understand you have to steal a biochip from Yorinobu Arasaka, the son of a big mob boss in the world and the heir to the throne.

She also lets you know there are no bodyguards around Arasaka. He also swiped the chip from his organization and plans to sell it. This was placed inside a briefcase that replicates an organic environment which you need to track down.

She lets you know you’re going to need to make use of a braindance to plan out your raid. By replaying an encounter she had with Arasaka, you can scan certain elements of the room and catch things she wouldn’t have.

After this, Judy will put a headset on you to calibrate a braindance. After this, you test out the braindance simulator—which doubles as a tutorial on how to use braindance for the rest of the game. Judy will walk you through everything you need to know about this unique mechanic.

After this, you can finally use it to scan in Analysis mode to find the items that you need. This involves you viewing things from Evelyn’s perspective, disabling security, and listening in on conversations.

After you finally get the relic, Evelyn hits you with a deal, and you’ll have to figure out if you want to take it or reject it.

Details of Evelyn’s offer in Cyberpunk 2077

Essentially, Evelyn will ask you to double-cross Dex and take her up as your client directly, cutting the middleman. This leaves you to choose between siding with her and siding with Dex. At the end of the day, neither decision will have an effect on the main or even any side quests, so pick the option that makes the most sense to you narratively.

This means you don’t have to worry about Dex’s cut and can make a clean 50 percent cut with Evelyn. It also means betraying the trust of Dex.

What makes this such a unique decision is you don’t make it to Evelyn’s face—no matter what you tell her, you have to make your decision to Dex after you’ve already completed the job. It’s simply a matter of how you’re setting yourself up to be paid.

Your options are either to accept Evelyn’s offer or not only decline the offer but snitch on Evelyn and get her in trouble for this. If the idea of snitching makes you squirm, we don’t recommend taking the latter option.

Siding with Dex outcome in The Information

After you swipe the biochip head back to Dex and tell him about the plan Evelyn set you up with. Surprisingly, he sort of just laughs this off with his associates. They all agree that ultimately, it doesn’t matter that much.

From here, you’ll get a little scene with Dex. You’ll talk to Dex and he’ll fill you in on how he wants the job. If you like the character of Dex and his tough, unique rhetorical style, picking this option is great for exploring that.

You can also have fun interacting with T-Bug, Dex’s expert who’s helped you plan out the tech of the quest. At the end, you even get Dex quoting Aristotle: “Life’s a banquet, don’t go thirsty, but don’t get drunk either.”

Siding with Evelyn outcome in The Information

Dex, moments before death, in Cyberpunk 2077.
Dex is taken out in The Information. Screenshot by Dot Esports

If you betray Dex, obviously, you’ll supposedly get more money—50 percent to Dex’s 40 (initially offered as 30, bumped up to 40 for loyalty). At the end of the day though, the heist goes wrong and you end up with no money to split.

Though staying with Dex and showing your loyalty seems good, Dex eventually double-crosses you himself later down the line and winds up dead for his mistakes. Loyalty to a man who betrayed you—let alone the fact that he ended up dead—doesn’t mean much at all.

Though your choice here ultimately doesn’t affect the outcome of the story, you do wind up heavily involved with the life of Evelyn later on.

Should you side with Evelyn or Dex in The Information quest in Cyberpunk 2077?

Ultimately, we recommend siding with Evelyn in this quest. Though it doesn’t matter all that much in the end, the emotional intensity of the story later on involving Judy and Evelyn tips us in that direction. There aren’t any changes in how the quest plays out, but you can feel like you’re on the side of good.

Image of Christian Flynn
Christian Flynn
Christian Flynn (he/they) is a mixed race Puerto Rican writer and performer in NYC. He can be regularly seen performing in and producing comedy shows at the People's Improv Theater. His plays have been developed around the city.