Cyberpunk 2077: How to complete the We Gotta Live Together quest

One of us.

V talks to Saul in We Gotta Live Together in Cyberpunk 2077.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

We Gotta Live Together is a main quest in Cyberpunk 2077 later on in the game. Though there isn’t any action, the amount of people you have to talk to while navigating around the camp can get confusing. We’ll walk you through exactly how to complete the quest.

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Cyberpunk 2077: We Gotta Live Together walkthrough

Prerequisites for We Gotta Live Together

We Gotta Live Together becomes available after you complete the Queen of the Highway quest. It’s only unlockable if you choose to side with Panam Palmer. If you follow this quest down correctly and play your cards right (and if you’re a male-bodied V with a male voice), you can convert your relationship with Panam into a long-term romance.

Cyberpunk 2077: How to start We Gotta Live Together

Misty reading cards in Cyberpunk 2077.
Misty doing a reading. Screenshot by Dot Esports

This quest begins with you calling up Panam Palmer to ask her for help for the incoming Nomad war. Panam, loyal to the cause, will accept immediately. She’ll come to pick you up and the two of you will head out to Misty’s Esoterica.

In the Esoteric, you’ll get a reading from Misty. We could walk you through the different choices in dialogue in this quest, but ultimately, they don’t affect anything, so it’s not really worth covering. Just look at it as a fun chance to roleplay.

From here, Panam will enter the shop and talk to you. Follow her, and the screen will go black. You’ll learn that you passed out during the conversation and woke up in the Aldecaldo camp.

What to do at the Aldecaldo camp

Once you get past this, follow Mitch out through the camp and talk to him about the rising tensions between rival camps in the game. This will lead you over to Saul and Panam who are planning out battle strategies on a map. It becomes clear their strategy is to break into Mikoshi by digging deep under the Arasaka tower. Ultimately, the choices in conversation here don’t have much effect on the quest either. You’ll let Saul know you need to talk to the Alt if you want to execute his plans right.

Next, talk to either Dakota or Mitch—you can toggle which one to experience first.

Talking to Mitch

Mitch is out on the Mechanical tent at the edge of camp. You’ll have some extra dialogue options to talk shop with Mitch if your Technical Ability is high enough, but it ultimately won’t have any impact on the quest. The conversation with Mitch is mainly about a Panzer tank being ready for the war. Considering that all you do is talk, it’s pretty funny this is a main mandatory objective in the quest.

Talking to Dakota

V talks to Alt in Cyberspace in Cyberpunk 2077.
Talking to Alt. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The conversation with Dakota will set you up to talk to Alt in cyberspace. This has you stepping into an ice bath and traveling into the cyber-word, where you’ll talk to the Alt in an extended cutscene.

You start by talking about Johnny and his strange relationship with the material world. You can continue this conversation, or quickly shift it over to talking to Alt about the Mikoshi situation, but she’ll mostly speak in terms difficult to understand. Towards the end of it, she’ll let you know you’re likely to be successful, and that she’ll upload a code to your data shard that’ll get you access to Mikoshi.

Before you can get too deep into the conversation, you’re snapped back into material reality as Dakota’s system fails, revealing you almost died in the process. You’ll give them the info from the shard that Alt uploaded to you before you’re on your way.

Initiation to the gang

Standing in front of a crowd of Aldecaldos as you're being inducted into their clan in Cyberpunk 2077.
Becoming an official Aldecaldo. Screenshot by Dot Esports

You’ll learn that Saul was looking for you in the meantime. Head back out to the center of camp to meet up with him again. There, many members of the camp will have gathered. He will take you up on his truck and raise your arm and declare you an official member of the Aldecaldo clan. You’ll get a ceremonial jacket and a long-cut scene serving as your induction.

Though you can skip ahead through this and no dialogue options of yours influence the story, we recommend sitting through and roleplaying it. It’s a well-written and touching scene. The world starts glitching at the end of this, owing to your relic malfunction, and Panam asks you if you’re all right.

Having fun around the camp

If you want after this, you can talk to Mitch as an optional objective and test out the Panzer by blowing some stuff up. We recommend doing this just because, well, who wouldn’t want to drive a tank around?

You can also explore the rest of the camp, getting to know people, drinking with Carol, Teddy, and Bob, getting some free loot from Dakota (clan member’s privilege), and completing a shooting minigame with Cassidy.

If you’re going to pick only one of these, we recommend the shooting minigame, as you can unlock Amnesty, a powerful legendary handgun. This is also fun.

The final conversation with Panam

When you’re done having fun, go meet up with Panam at the edge of the camp. Though none of your choices here affect your ability to romance her later, it’s a nice romantic moment looking out on camp.

She’ll mainly talk about what’s bothering her and the fact that she’s scared she’s going to lead her friends to certain death during the battle. If you play your cards right, you can comfort her and even hold her.

You’ll talk, and finally fall asleep, waking up the next day ready to do battle for your newfound family.

Image of Christian Flynn
Christian Flynn
Christian Flynn (he/they) is a mixed race Puerto Rican writer and performer in NYC. He can be regularly seen performing in and producing comedy shows at the People's Improv Theater. His plays have been developed around the city.