Cyberpunk 2077: How to complete the Dream On quest

Everything you've ever seen is just a mirror.

Elizabeth and Jefferson Peralez sitting on the couch in their penthouse (Cyberpunk 2077).
Screenshot by Dot Esports.

Some of the side jobs in Cyberpunk 2077 are so complex and well-written that you might find yourself forgetting that they aren’t part of the main story. One of those times was during the side job Dream On, in which V uncovers a juicy and harrowing political conspiracy.

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Dream On isn’t a super long job, but it is one that will require some detective work, and more importantly, some judgment calls. At the end of this job, players will have a huge decision to make.

All of that and more will be covered in this guide for completing the Dream On job in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077: How to start Dream On

This job starts automatically after completing another side job called I Fought the Law, which itself requires you to have completed Ghost Town and Automatic Love. That sounds like a lot, but really you just need to have progressed the main story to the point of completing Ghost Town, which isn’t actually very far.

After you complete I Fought the Law, you’ll receive a message from the Peralezes—the politicians who hired V to investigate the late mayor’s passing in I Fought the Law. Something concerning has happened to the couple, and they don’t think it is safe to say what over the phone.

Once you receive this call, Dream On will automatically be added to your Journal, and your first step is simply heading to the Peralez apartment.

Cyberpunk 2077: Dream On job walkthrough

Follow your job tracker to the apartment of Jefferson and Elizabeth Peralez, and take the elevator in the lobby up to their penthouse on the 25th floor. Elizabeth will be waiting for you outside of the elevator, and she will lead you to the their living room where Jefferson is waiting.

Take a seat on the couch, and Jefferson will explain why they called V and didn’t feel safe discussing the job over the phone. Apparently, a few nights ago, Jefferson awoke to a home intruder. He fired a few shots at the intruder, and then blacked out. The next morning, there was no trace of the event ever taking place, but Jefferson is certain that it did.

Jefferson Peralez explaining his encounter ot V during the mission Dream On (Cyberpunk 2077).
Suspicious…Screenshot by Dot Esports

The couple has a private security force, SSI, who also is insisting that Jefferson must have dreamed the whole thing up. As such, Jefferson and Elizabeth want V to search the apartment and find proof that it did or didn’t happen.

Search the Peralez’s apartment for evidence

When you begin your search of the apartment, you’ll have some dialogue options. Elizabeth will offer to show you around, but you can reject her offer by saying you’d rather do it yourself. The option you choose doesn’t actually matter—we suggest having Elizabeth accompany simply because she will make little comments that help build the world surrounding this job.

A blood trail on the ground in the mission Dream On (Cyberpunk 2077)
Terrible cleaning crew. Screenshot by Dot Esports

There are only a couple of things you need to scan to progress the job, but you’ll have tons of markers of objects that can be scanned. If you want to speed run Dream On, head to the roof of the penthouse and scan the dish. If you want to enjoy the story of the job, scan everything that can be scanned. Each one will add more foreshadowing and mystery.

While the dish on the roof is the only thing you absolutely must scan, here are some key things that you’ll want to scan to get a complete picture of the mystery:

  • Blood residue in the hallway near the stairs
  • Covered up bullet holes in the hallway near the stairs
  • A used booster in the bathroom garbage can
  • A wedding photo on the night stand
  • Everything in Elizabeth’s former home office that is now the workspace of SSI
bullet holes on the wall near a painting in the Peralez's penthouse (Cyberpunk 2077)
Guess they have an overnight painter. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Another fun little worldbuilding element can be found on Jeff’s personal computer. Not only can you watch an absolutely absurd campaign ad, you can also find emails between the Peralezes and Judy in which she personally recommends V for the job.

In the SSI office, scanning the wall next to the wall with the massive screen will reveal a hidden door. This door can be forced open with a high enough Body score, or by unlocking the second terminal in the office using the code 6709. This code is found by searching the first terminal.

Inside the hidden room, there are some cables you can scan that prompt you to head to the roof and find the satellite dish. However, you can head to the roof and scan the dish without ever opening the secret room.

the dish on the roof of the Peralez's apartment leading to a source several blocks away (Cyberpunk 2077)
Like a bat signal. Screenshot by Dot Esports

You really can spend as much or as little time as you’d like in this portion of the job. Search to your heart’s content, and once you’re ready to move on, scan the dish on the roof. You’ll see that it leads to something several blocks away, and you’ll receive a tracker for that location so that you don’t have to remember where it seemed to be leading from the roof.

Find the transmission source

Once you’re satisfied with your intel gathering, leave the Peralezes’ penthouse and follow the tracker to the source that the dish on the roof is transmitting to. You’ll be led to a surveillance van which will take off as soon as you approach.

V chasing after a van on a motorcycle in Night City (Cyberpunk 2077).
Love a good car chase. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Your mission will be to follow the van, but you can disable it at any time. Just make sure you don’t destroy it. If you don’t disable the van and do simply follow it, you’ll be led to a remote garage where you’ll be attacked. After defeating the attackers (or after disabling the van before it reaches its destination), jack into the van.

Jack into the van

Once you jack into the van, you’ll finally get answers as to what has been going on with the Peralez family and Jefferson’s mayoral campaign. Not only have they been watched, followed, and manipulated for years—a shadow corporation is quite literally controlling their thoughts and actions by planting memories.

data showing a full analysis of the Peralezs' brain records in Cyberpunk 2077.
This just got so dark… Screenshot by Dot Esports

If you were thorough about searching the penthouse, you now have an explanation for the question of whether Jefferson smokes and why Elizabeth was wrong about what color of roses were at their wedding.

Call and meet with Elizabeth

Once you’ve discovered the sinister situation surrounding the Peralezes, it’s time to call Elizabeth and report your findings. You have a couple different dialogue options, but all of them end the same way, which is Elizabeth telling V that it isn’t safe to speak over the phone.

Elizabeth will tell you to meet her in a remote and shady ramen shop rather than at the penthouse like before. Here, she will reveal that while she didn’t have details, she knew something of this nature was going on.

Elizabeth Peralez sitting across from V in a ramen shop (Cyberpunk 2077).
Sunglasses inside at night cause she’s laying low. screenshot by Dot Esports

Months prior, Elizabeth had a run-in similar to Jeff’s with a mysterious home intruder, only she received slightly more context. The context was essentially, “if you say or do anything, you and your husband are dead.”

Because of this, Elizabeth doesn’t want Jefferson to know the truth. She knows her husband, and that he will fight no matter what. Elizabeth’s concern is that it will be a fight they cannot win—one that will end with Jefferson’s death. At the end of the conversation, Elizabeth reveals that she isn’t even sure if she will remember this conversation tomorrow, but she begs V not to tell Jeff the truth.

Cyberpunk 2077: Dream on job possible endings

Now, you have a major decision to make. Will you:

  • Lie to protect Jefferson by saying that Holt was behind everything
  • Tell Jefferson the truth—him and his wife are both being brainwashed

Each path has different consequences, and morally, the whole thing is foggy and complicated. Regardless of which option you decide to go with, step one is meeting with Jeff. After leaving the ramen shop where you spoke to Elizabeth, call Jefferson and arrange a meeting.

While you’re on your way, a mystery person will invade your head to make threats about what will happen if you don’t walk away.

What happens if you lie to Jefferson at the end of Dream On?

If you lie to Jefferson and say that Holt was behind the whole thing, he will accept the answer and be satisfied and happy. Upon finishing Cyberpunk 2077, an epilogue cutscene will reveal that Jefferson and Elizabeth lived “happily ever after.” Of course, you’ll know the truth—they are still being brainwashed and have virtually no control over their lives.

This ending is dark, but not as dark as what will happen if you tell Jefferson the truth.

Jefferson sitting across from V in a public park at night (Cyberpunk 2077).
Uhh…Screenshot by Dot Esports

What happens if you tell Jefferson the truth at the end of Dream On?

Elizabeth warns V that Jefferson will likely be killed if he learns the truth. What actually happens is so much worse.

If you tell Jefferson the truth and reveal that he is being brainwashed, he will literally lose his mind. First, him and Elizabeth will both block you. Then, at the end of the game, an epilogue cutscene will reveal that Jefferson became incapable of trusting anyone or anything, and essentially became a paranoid hermit.

Should you lie or tell the truth at the end of Dream On?

Alas, this is nearly an impossible question to answer. In terms of reward, the two are equal. The question is—Is it better to live in blissful ignorance of the horrors that surround you, or to be fully aware of your circumstances and have to live with the turmoil that comes with that knowledge?

Like nearly every decision in Cyberpunk 2077, there is no black-and-white, right vs. wrong answer. A strong argument could be made for either side—as such, it is a decision that you must make for yourself.

Image of Pierce Bunch
Pierce Bunch
Freelance writer and jack-of-all-games.