Cyberpunk 2077: How to complete the Big in Japan quest

Full of surprises.

Dennis stands next to the surgeon in Big in Japan.
Number one surgeon in Japan. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

Big in Japan is one of the many Watson side quests you might find yourself running into in Act Two of Cyberpunk 2077. Having trouble completing this one? This article will walk you through a complete guide.

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How to access the Big in Japan quest in Cyberpunk 2077

To access the Big in Japan quest in Cyberpunk 2077, head to the Afterlife club in Little China. It will only become available to you after you complete the main story quest The Heist. Head over to Dennis Cramer, who will be hanging out near Rogue’s area, and talk to him.

Cyberpunk 2077: the Big in Japan Quest

Starting the Big in Japan quest: Cyberpunk 2077

Dennis in the Big in Japan quest in Cyberpunk 2077.
Talking to Dennis, who hangs out at the Afterlife club. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

Dennis tells you that he’s looking for a mercenary to help him out with a job, but he’s hesitant to give specifics. He’s also clear about the fact that he doesn’t want to go through a fixer. This might seem a little suspicious at first, but it’s not enough for V or Johnny Silverhand to notice anything strange about it. All he lets you know is that you have to go to a location and pick up a sealed package from a container.

Finding the container in the Big in Japan Quest

The No Future container from the Big in Japan quest in Cyberpunk 2077.
The No Future container. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

The location of the container will appear on your map. It’s in a slum on the outskirts of Kabuki. Drive out to the village, and the way to the container will be marked on your map. If you have trouble finding the container, it should be at the edge of the slum in the closest building to the water. The container has the words “NO FUTURE” scrawled on it in green letters and when you open it up, there’s a surprise waiting for you

Dealing with what’s in the container in Big in Japan

The man who falls out of the No Future container in the Big in Japan mission.
The guy in the No Future container. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

When you open up the container, a person will fall out. There’s nothing else in the container, so the body must be what Dennis was referring to as a “package.” After this, call Dennis up. He tells you he’s prepared a car for you, which will take you to Northside. He also lets you know that Tyger Claw gang members are on the lookout for this person you are transporting, so you have to be careful.

Getting to the car in Big in Japan

The next step is to get to the car while dealing with gunfire from the Tyger Claws. Your only real option is to carry this man through the slums, which slows you down and renders you incapable of using any of your weapons.

This means that to get past the Tyger Claws, you’re going to need to put the man down and take them out with your gun without letting the man get shot. Luckily there’s a lot of cover and high ground in this slum, so it won’t be impossible. If you have the Transporter perk, you’ll be able to shoot enemies while carrying this guy. Many criticize this perk for only having very specific uses—but this is one of the few where it comes in handy.

There’s a little path marked out for you, which we recommend taking. In this case, the game is trying to help you out and gives you pretty much the easiest path. Luckily, you can drop the man pretty fast to take enemies out. It should be noted though, that if you prefer a stealthy playstyle (maybe you created a great stealth ninja build), you can sneak around most of these guards and take them out stealthily. The enemies are lined up in a way so that you can get through most of the mission this way. Only at the end will they clump together, and you can make use of some of the game’s quickhacks to distract them and break them apart.

Once the car is there, take him to the trunk, get in the back, and get in the car.

Driving to the delivery point

After this, drive up to Northside as Dennis instructed you to. The coordinates of the delivery are by a relatively dumpy place in front of trash cans and a garage, but that’s where Dennis tells you to make the drop-off.

Talking to Dennis/meeting the container man

Dennis will meet you here and congratulate you for a job well done. He’ll also reveal that the job isn’t quite as nefarious as it might have seemed to be, greeting the man you just dropped off and introducing him to you, a man named Haruyoshi. If you ask who the man is, you find out that it’s a famous brain surgeon in the game who’s currently in the lamb from the Tyger Claws gang.

As a reward for completing this mission, Dennis will give you the Scalpel, one of the best Katanas in the game. You might notice that when the man gets out of the car he says “Dennis give me hope” in a line/voice that might be familiar with a certain extremely popular American sitcom…

Hidden Easter Egg

The surgeon from the container tells his story, an easter egg. From the Big in Japan mission.
A familiar story. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

If you ask him his story, he starts to tell a story about how he was the best brain surgeon in Japan and had a Tyger Claw boss come in who died on the table, so he had to go on the run. He hid in a boat (most likely why he ended up so close to the water) and Dennis saved him. But there’s a twist — he killed the Tyger boss on the surgery table on purpose.

This is a reference to a story told almost verbatim by a Japanese man with a similar accent/voice in an episode of The Office (U.S.) right down to a black character with a name beginning with D being the savior, making for one final wild twist in a sidequest full of fun surprises.

Image of Christian Flynn
Christian Flynn
Christian Flynn (he/they) is a mixed race Puerto Rican writer and performer in NYC. He can be regularly seen performing in and producing comedy shows at the People's Improv Theater. His plays have been developed around the city.