Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Investigate the Selunite Resistance in BG3, explained

Its always the Masons, isn't it?

The Isobel Cleric is shown in Baldur's Gate 3 with her head looking down at a spell being cast.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

One very interesting sidequest in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Investigate the Selunite Resistance, which takes place within the Shadow-Cursed Lands and will see players exploring a decent chunk of the region to uncover ancient secrets.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 developers have done a standout job of making the world feel actually lived in. Sure, players have their own story, but so does everybody else. This means that there is always a reason to explore—no matter where you are or how seemingly insignificant a building is, you’ll find something worth engaging with, even if its only an Easter egg or worldbuilding device.

Does Investigate the Selunite Resistance offer game-changing loot? Not really. What it does do is offer an in-depth look into the history of the Shadow-Cursed Lands and provide some tragic context for what is currently happening in the region.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Investigate the Selunite Resistance walkthrough

This guide will take you through every step of completing the quest Investigate the Selunite Resistance with as few spoilers as possible. At the end, you’ll know exactly where to go and what to do, but you’ll still be able to experience the joy of discovery in the moment.

A quick heads up—this quest must be completed before assaulting Moonrise Tower. You can still go through the motions afterwards, but no quest will be given.

Starting Investigate the Selunite Resistance:

Investigate the Selunite Resistance is an Act Two quest found in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, and beginning this quest is actually one of the most difficult parts. The quest starts by searching a chest in a seemingly random part of the Shadow-Cursed Lands map—it’s not even in a named zone. Oh, and the chest is locked and located in a difficult-to-reach area. The exact location is highlighted with a custom map marker labelled “Begin Quest” on the image below:

Image displays the map of Shadow-Cursed Lands, with a custom marker.
Location to begin the quest. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

Onve you’ve found the old, crumbling building the chest is in, head to the back of the room and look up. There is a raised section which contains a locked chest called Porter’s Chest. The section is a little tricky to access—a Shadow Step spell works, or you can destroy about 20 urns individually to clear a path to the chest.

The easiest way, however, is to get a character with exceptional strength (we used Karlach) and simply jump the 10 vertical feet to reach the Porter’s Chest. Afterwards, pick up or throw the chest to a Dexterity based character—Barbarians aren’t typically good with Thieves’ Tools.

Image shows a screenshot of the Porter's Chest in Baldur's Gate 3.
Why did he leave his valuables up there? Screenshot by Dot Esports.

Inside the chest is a note that references somebody named Halfred, the Moonmaiden (Selune), and the Last Light Inn. After reading this note, you will receive a quest marker at the Last Light Inn.

Last Light Inn—Investigate the Selunite Resistance

Upon returning to the Last Light Inn, approach the main building where the bar and refugees are located. Just before entering, turn right, and you should see a set of stairs. Descend the stairs, and reach the basement of the Inn. Inside the basement, you should see a door (aptly named “Door”) on the southern wall. Enter the door, which will bring you to a jailing area.

Inside, look for a small round table. The area isn’t big so it should be easy to find. On the table you will find the Last Light Detention Cell Key, which you can use to unlock the cell directly across from you. Behind the cell doors is a section of Cracked Stone that can easily be destroyed. Do so, and continue through.

Image shows the Last Last Detention Cell Key on a table in Baldur's Gate 3.
No Inn is complete without at least one jail cell. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Cracked Wall will lead you to a cavern inhabited by Meenlocks. Take precaution, this is actually a difficult fight. The Meenlocks have an aura that inflicts Fear on everything in a close radius to them, preventing movement and imposing Disadvantage. If possible, you want to deal with these things from a distance.

After defeating the Meenlocks, venture to the back of the cavern, where you will find an altar on which Halfred’s Note rests (remember him from the Porter’s Note?). Reading this note will prompt you to continue your investigation at the Masons Guild. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of that, you will receive a quest marker guiding the way.

Image shows Halfred's Note in Baldur's Gate 3.
How conspicuous. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

The Masons Guild—Investigate the Selunite Resistance

Upon reaching the Masons Guild, seek out the northwest corner of the first room. On the ground, you will see an Ornate Wooden Hatch. Enter the hatch, which brings you to a secret area beneath the guild. Once inside, move to the wall on the left. Upon doing so, your party will automatically perform Perception checks, which will reveal a Keyholed Herald on the wall.

The Keyholed Herald can be lock picked, or, if you spoke to Mattis, the child vendor/scammer in Last Light Inn, and convinced him to give you the Tower Shaped Key that Mol entrusted him to look after, this is where you’ll use it. If for any reason you aren’t able to pick the lock, return to Mattis and secure that key—it isn’t difficult.

Once you’re past the Keyholed Herald, you’ll see a Masons Note on the wall, which will congratulate you for finding this secret chamber and inform you that you’ll now be dying. Cool. Shortly after, you will be attacked by Shadow Wraiths. This fight is significantly easier than the Meenlocks, but you should still make sure you’re ready to tango.

Defeat the Wraiths, and continue forward into what looks to be a former dining hall of sorts. On the large rectangular table in the center of the room is a book called Mason’s Log. Reading this log is the last step in Investigate the Selunite Resistance.

Image shows the Mason's Log in Baldur's Gate 3.
Nice ambience. 10/10 would dine here. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

Conclusion—Investigate the Selunite Resistance

Curious what you’ll actually get for completing this quest? The reward is the friendships you made along the way, of course. In all seriousness, there are no noteworthy rewards with regard to gameplay for completing this quest.

However, the information contained within the notes is very enlightening about General Thorm (the seemingly immortal big bad in Moonrise Tower) and his past, his descent into evil, and his fall from Selune’s grace. If you’re interested in the lore of Baldur’s Gate 3, particularly for Shadowheart and Shar, this quest is a must.

Image of Pierce Bunch
Pierce Bunch
Freelance writer and jack-of-all-games.