GTA V’s NoPixel roleplay server may have just lost its chief of police
Chief Snow was killed in a coordinated ambush during a car chase.
Chief Snow was killed in a coordinated ambush during a car chase.
"If a man had talked to a woman like that, like, he would've gotten so much shit"
Apparently 13 percent of the world's population follows The Doc on Twitter.
"Oh, you think you're funny, huh? You think you're a wise guy, huh?"
"These guys won't ever get banned either unless we go out of our way to tell Epic. That's not how it should be."
"Send 100 viewers to Funker530 so he can get 100 gifted subs."
"They also sent us the plaque's made of solid gold."
"I started DMing them leaks from the next few episodes of Game of Thrones."
"Tell 'em to get, like, 20 of these."