New Apex cheat is making players lose fights in the most agonizing way

We can hear the controllers breaking now.

Image via Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends’ newest season apparently has a new cheat boiling away in the background: One creative cheater has allegedly crafted a system that forces the opponent they’re fighting to constantly reload their weapon.

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The supposed Apex cheat leaves players unable to shoot by dropping their ammunition at their feet, leaving them as an easy target to get cleaned up by the hackers.

Streamer Gdoplhn was the first to share his experience as he made his narrow escape against reload-forcing cheaters. The new seasonal cheat—obviously activated against him midway through the firefight—removed all the bullets from his magazine, forcing him to reload his Nemesis and R-99 constantly.

Cheating isn’t an uncommon occurrence in Apex, unfortunately. Boosting lobbies have been running rampant throughout the Respawn battle royale, with one of the top 10 predator records being achieved by cheating lobbies.

Previously, the devs said they’d be focusing on tackling cheating during an interview with IGN, with the aim of creating a positive environment for players.

They have yet to respond to this new Apex hack popping up in Season 16.

Image of Harrison Thomas
Harrison Thomas
CS:GO, Overwatch, and Valorant Staff Writer - Played CS:GO since 2012 and keep a close eye on other titles. Give me a game and I'll write about it. Ranks are private information. Contact