Cloud9 rejoins competitive Apex signing StayNaughty’s ALGS squad

In it's fourth year, the ALGS is resurrected.

StayNaughty on Cloud9's 2022 ALGS Championship roster in Raleigh, North Carolina
Photo by Joe Brady via ALGS

The great Apex Legends re-investment of 2024 continues with notable organization Cloud9 returning to the ALGS, joining the likes of NAVI and Spacestation Gaming as major organizations recommitting to the shooter in Year Four.

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On March 13, Cloud9 announced on X (formerly Twitter) that it has signed StayNaughty, ChaoticMuch, and sauceror, along with coach iShiny and analyst coldjyn. For those who have followed the ALGS since Year Two, Cloud9’s roster choice will come as an exciting yet unsurprising development. Before the organization’s exit in December 2022, StayNaughty was signed to the org, representing them in the 2022 Championship in Raleigh, North Carolina. His return to Cloud9 has already created a buzz among the Apex community, with fellow pro players such as Zachmazer, HisWattson, and Naghz all celebrating the move within minutes of the news. 

Coud9’s re-entry to competitive Apex comes directly before the North American regional finals, which are set to take place on March 17. Their roster currently sits in 12th place and will be fighting to secure their spot at the Split One Playoffs.

StayNaughty, ChaoticMuch, and sauceror are led by former NRG coach iShiny, who will hopefully keep the roster in shape ahead of the upcoming regional final. Also supporting the talented trio is analyst Alex “coldjyn” Nicholls, who boasts an impressive resume having worked with major teams like Alliance, JLingz, and Sentinels.

Cloud9 is not the only major organization that has recently rejoined Apex esports. After the 2022 Year Two ALGS Championship, an exodus of teams saw Cloud9 depart from the scene alongside fellow North American giants Team Liquid and global superstars G2. However, after Year Three, organizations appear to be tempted back into the ALGS.

Only one week prior to Cloud9’s return, European team NAVI returned after missing ALGS Year Three, signing the recently released Vexed Gaming roster. February 2024 also saw Spacestation Gaming return to the esport with the org now sitting in a qualifying position for the Split One playoffs after the regular season.

iShiny coaching NRG at the 2023 AGS Championship in Birmingham
iShiny, former NRG coach, will be keeping Cloud9’s new roster on track. Photo by Joe Brady via ALGS

Perhaps key to these organizations’ recommitment is EA’s introduction of a partnership program. Introduced ahead of Year Four, the program involves the scene’s most prominent organizations working directly with EA to grow community support for teams and events. Twelve organizations are currently in the program including TSM, Alliance, Fnatic, Furia, XSet, and DarkZero. With a large and passionate fanbase, Cloud9 is certainly a candidate to join EA’s ranks.

The naysayers and doom-bringers of 2022 who predicted the collapse of Apex esports seem to be proven more wrong by the day. The ALGS may have lost some of its biggest teams in 2023, but so far, 2024 has seen a fantastic flurry of enthusiasm as teams make their grand re-entry. All good things come to an end, but just maybe, those good things can begin anew again.

The iconic Cloud9 logo will be back in the ALGS lobby on Sunday, March 17 for the North American Split One regional finals.