Apex Legends player creates Code of Conduct to make public matches more enjoyable

These simple concepts make a big difference.

Image via Respawn Entertainment

An Apex Legends player has taken matters into their own hands regarding player behavior. The fan shared a mock Code of Conduct for the battle royale yesterday to help public matches be more enjoyable when playing with random players.

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The player outlined 15 simple rules that are designed to make teams work together without being overbearing or distracting. Some of the rules will seem familiar to players who try their best to be good teammates, but a lot of players break them constantly and are often seen as a detriment to their squad.

The first rule establishes that there is no claiming a legend in the character selection screen. A lot of players will leave a match if they do not get the character they want, which leaves their team at a disadvantage for the rest of the match. The second rule explains this scenario and how it negatively impacts other players.

Rules three, four, and five are all related to dropping into the match. Players should not spam locations if they are not Jumpmaster because it is often regarded as distracting or annoying. Players should also not solo drop if they disagree with the drop location because it separates the team and creates a disadvantage for each of the players.

The fifth rule explains the importance of breaking off from the Jumpmaster to prevent looting the same building.

Rules six to 12 explain the proper etiquette for dead players and teammates trying to revive a downed player. Players should not leave the match immediately after dying because their teammates still have a chance to revive them. They should also not spam their death box while their teammate is in a fight.

Players should make sure the area is safe before reviving a player, and they should not loot death boxes until their teammate is up. Reviving a dead teammate should always be a top priority, but the dead player should not constantly spam a respawn beacon location.

The last two rules explain the importance of sharing loot and communication. Players should share meds, ammo, and ping valuable loot for their teammates. Players should also ping enemy locations, where they are going, and acknowledge each other’s pings.

These simple rules establish a baseline for players that should make them a better teammate. If all players followed these rules public matches would be less stressful and more fun. A lot of players still need to learn these simple concepts, however, but hopefully for Apex fans, the list will help at least a few players.

Image of Jalen Lopez
Jalen Lopez
Freelance Writer with over three years of experience at Dot Esports. Mainly covers VALORANT, Call of Duty and other FPS titles.