Which LoL champion says, ‘Mother Tree used to have so many flowers. I hope you meet her one night, dream’?

If the Mother Tree doesn't have the answer, I do.

Alistar and other champions running away from Pug'Maw.
Image via Riot Games

One of my favorite things about today’s LoLdle quote is it’s so mysterious, especially because there’s only a few keywords we can use to uncover the League of Legends champion who says the voiceline. Tough, right?

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Who says, “Mother Tree used to have so many flowers. I hope you meet her one night, dream” in LoL?

The LoLdle quote on Aug. 21 is, “Mother Tree used to have so many flowers. I hope you meet her one night, dream.” The League champion who says this line is Lillia.

The LoLdle quote success message with a picture of Lillia for the Aug. 21 LoLdle quote.
Not too shabby. Screenshot by Dot Esports via LoLdle.

After yesterday’s easy support quote, I was prepared for today’s LoLdle quote to throw me for a loop, and it did for a moment. The only word that really stuck out to me was dream. The only two champs who I could think of that could make someone sleep were Lillia and Zoe. I trusted my instincts and picked the jungler, Lillia.

I don’t play much Lillia, so I had to do some research to find out more about her and when she says this quote. It turns out she says this one when she’s using a long move, and given her 9.3 percent pick rate right now (as per reports from League stat tracker U.GG), she’s been moving quite a lot on the Rift in League Patch 14.16.

While I’m fond of LoLdle quotes with my favorite champs, I also quite like these ones where we have one keyword to go from. It’s challenging and a lot of fun.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews is a staff writer for Dot Esports with a dual degree in business and human resource management. After discovering her passion for creative writing and gaming, she now writes about MOBAs, MMOs, and cozy games.