World of Warcraft is packed with rare mounts and transmogs, and some players spend years farming them without luck. To this day, the only rare mount I’ve ever gotten is the Flametalon of Alysrazor, and that took me a long while. But one lucky player just got an incredibly rare mount on their first try.
On March 10, user DevinH23 reported on WoW’s subreddit that they got Ashes of Al’ar on their first try. While most players congratulated them, some admitted it took them years of farming on different characters to get.
First released in The Burning Crusade, Ashes of Al’ar drops from Kael’thas Sunstrider, the final boss of The Eye raid. According to Wowhead, the drop rate is 1.7 percent. What makes this mount so special (besides its terribly low drop rate chance) is its appearance. It’s an orange and pink phoenix that leaves pink ethereal traces behind you. On top of that, it’s one of the first rare flying mounts, and there are no other mounts like it.
Ashes of Al’ar drops from the last boss in The Eye in Outland. Given this is a raid, you can clear it only once per week. Many players farm rare mounts on multiple characters to give them more chances at getting it to drop, which is a good idea if you’ve set your sights on Ashes of Al’ar. You can breeze through the raid if you’re level 70, as you can one-shot trash packs and bosses—but remember, the encounter with Kael’thas has multiple phases and you can’t skip the one with Legendary weapons. You have to listen to Kael’thas’ speech, which is the part that actually lasts the longest.
WoW is turning 20 years old in 2024, and Blizzard Entertainment has added (but also made unavailable) a ton of mounts over the years. In The War Within, all mounts, including Ashes of Al’ar, will be able to use dynamic flight or Dragonriding, so you’ll be able to blaze through zones at incredible speed.