The best Hunter pets in WoW Classic

Your pet is one of your most reliable sources of damage as a Hunter.

Centaur standing in the middle of Barrens in WoW Classic. In the background are lush trees and a deep sunset.
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

In WoW Classic, the overall goal of a Hunter is to consistently deal out damage, and one of your strongest tools in accomplishing that goal is going to be your pet

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There are over a dozen different types of pets in WoW Classic, and each focuses on different facets of gameplay, including raw damage, defensive potential, and even crowd control. But, most of the time, especially in the endgame, damage is going to be your biggest concern. 

Leveling a Hunter in WoW Classic will provide you with plenty of opportunities to tame new pets and expand your stables, but these options are going to be the best in the game. Here are the best Hunter pets in WoW Classic

Best Hunter pets for leveling in WoW Classic

The best pets for leveling in WoW Classic are the Cat, the Owl or the Raptor. They are simple pets for leveling and stick by your side, as each of these pets has high damage ceilings and scales well throughout the entire questing process.

  • Cats can be obtained in almost every Alliance and Horde starting zone.
  • Owls are going to be Alliance-specific in the early game: Found in Teldrassil.
  • Raptors are going to be more Horde-specific: Found in Durotar and the Barrens

We don’t really recommend getting hung up on your pet’s abilities in the early stages of the game.

With these animals by your side, they will be easy to tame and will still provide you with a strong damage profile. It’s not going to be until the later segments of the leveling process (and the endgame) that your pet’s abilities are going to make a serious difference in your overall damage profile. 

In Classic Hardcore, it might seem tempting to get a pet that leans on the side of durability due to the fact that you want to stay alive as best you can. But don’t fall for that trap. You still want to pump out DPS. 

Best endgame Hunter pets in WoW Classic

WoW Classic Blackwing Lair Chromaggus
Your pet options get a lot more narrow in the Classic endgame. Image via Blizzard Entertainment

The best endgame Hunter pets in WoW Classic are Bloodaxe Worg (Wolf), Broken Tooth (Cat), and the Son of Hakkar (Wind Serpent).

Once you hit the endgame in Classic WoW, your options for Hunter pets become a lot more limited as optimizing your pet’s DPS is going to be narrowed to just three choices. The WoW Classic community widely accepts these three Hunter pets as the best endgame pets in the game:

Bloodaxe Worg (Wolf)

The Bloodaxe Worg is obtained in Lower Blackrock Spire and is desired for their max-rank version of Furious Howl, which increases the damage output of party members’ physical attacks.

Broken Tooth (Cat)

A rare elite spawn that can be tamed in the Badlands, Broken Tooth is a popular choice due to its absurd 1.0 attack-per-second attack speed. 

Son of Hakkar (Wind Serpent)

Son of Hakkar is found in Zul’Gurub and has a much-sought-after spell Lightning Breath available at its maximum rank, making it a strong DPS threat. 

Of course, play what you want, but if you’re a certified min-maxer, these three pets are going to be the best possible options if you want to get the most damage out of your pet as possible. 

Regardless of which Hunter pet you choose to have by your side, you’re going to want to maximize your damage as much as possible. When you get the chance to tame one of these pets, though, take it. 

Image of Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly
Staff Writer covering World of Warcraft and League of Legends, among others. Mike's been with Dot since 2020, and has been covering esports since 2018.