Wordle is played by thousands of players every day. Since it was added to the New York Times games catalog, it has been receiving more and more support, such as an account with saved data to play on both desktop and mobile devices.
Players need to figure out a secret answer, a five-letter word, and for that they use hints in the style of the Mastermind game. Each of the six attempts has chances for new hints to help players find the correct answer.
Related: Wordle game help: 5-letter words with ‘I’ and ‘O’
If you still haven’t found today’s correct answer, but you know it starts with the letter “K”, here’s a list of five-letter words with the letter “K” at the beginning to help you decide your next guesses.
Five-letter words starting with ‘K’ to try on Wordle
- kaama
- kabab
- kabar
- kabob
- kacha
- kades
- kadis
- kafir
- kagos
- kagus
- kahal
- kaiak
- kaids
- kaies
- kaifs
- kaika
- kaiks
- kails
- kaims
- kaing
- kains
- kakas
- kakis
- kalam
- kales
- kalif
- kalis
- kalpa
- kamas
- kames
- kamik
- kamis
- kamme
- kanae
- kanas
- kandy
- kaneh
- kanes
- kanga
- kangs
- kanji
- kants
- kanzu
- kaons
- kapas
- kaphs
- kapok
- kappa
- kaput
- karas
- karat
- karks
- karma
- karns
- karoo
- karri
- karst
- karsy
- karts
- karzy
- kasha
- kasme
- katas
- katis
- katti
- kaugh
- kauri
- kauru
- kaury
- kavas
- kawas
- kawau
- kawed
- kayak
- kayle
- kayos
- kazis
- kazoo
- kbars
- kebab
- kebar
- kebob
- kecks
- kedge
- kedgy
- keech
- keefs
- keeks
- keels
- keeno
- keens
- keeps
- keets
- keeve
- kefir
- kehua
- keirs
- kelep
- kelim
- kells
- kelly
- kelps
- kelpy
- kelts
- kelty
- kembo
- kembs
- kemps
- kempt
- kempy
- kenaf
- kench
- kendo
- kenos
- kente
- kents
- kepis
- kerbs
- kerel
- kerfs
- kerky
- kerma
- kerne
- kerns
- keros
- kerry
- kerve
- kesar
- kests
- ketas
- ketch
- ketol
- kevel
- kevil
- kexes
- keyed
- khadi
- khafs
- khaki
- khans
- khaph
- khats
- khaya
- khazi
- kheda
- kheth
- khets
- khoja
- khors
- khoum
- khuds
- kiaat
- kiang
- kibbe
- kibbi
- kibei
- kibes
- kibla
- kicks
- kicky
- kiddo
- kiddy
- kidel
- kidge
- kiefs
- kiers
- kieve
- kight
- kikes
- kikoi
- kiley
- kilim
- kills
- kilns
- kilos
- kilps
- kilts
- kilty
- kimbo
- kinas
- kinda
- kinds
- kindy
- kines
- kings
- kinin
- kinks
- kinky
- kinos
- kiore
- kiosk
- kipes
- kippa
- kipps
- kirby
- kirks
- kirns
- kirri
- kisan
- kissy
- kists
- kited
- kiter
- kites
- kithe
- kiths
- kitty
- kivas
- kiwis
- klang
- klaps
- klett
- klick
- klieg
- kliks
- klong
- kloof
- kluge
- klutz
- knack
- knags
- knaps
- knarl
- knars
- knaur
- knave
- knawe
- knead
- kneed
- kneel
- knees
- knell
- knelt
- knife
- knish
- knits
- knive
- knobs
- knock
- knoll
- knops
- knosp
- knots
- knout
- knowe
- known
- knows
- knubs
- knurl
- knurr
- knurs
- knuts
- koala
- koans
- koaps
- koban
- kobos
- koels
- koffs
- kofta
- kohas
- kohls
- koine
- kojis
- koker
- kokra
- kokum
- kolas
- kolos
- kombu
- konbu
- kondo
- konks
- kooks
- kooky
- koori
- kopek
- kophs
- kopje
- koppa
- korai
- koras
- korat
- kores
- korma
- korun
- korus
- koses
- kotch
- kotos
- kotow
- koura
- kraal
- krabs
- kraft
- krait
- krang
- krans
- kranz
- kraut
- kreep
- kreng
- krewe
- krill
- krona
- krone
- kroon
- krubi
- ksars
- kudos
- kudus
- kudzu
- kufis
- kugel
- kuias
- kukri
- kukus
- kulak
- kulan
- kulas
- kulfi
- kumys
- kuris
- kurre
- kurta
- kurus
- kusso
- kutas
- kutch
- kutis
- kutus
- kuzus
- kvass
- kvell
- kwela
- kyack
- kyaks
- kyang
- kyars
- kyats
- kybos
- kydst
- kyles
- kylie
- kylin
- kylix
- kyloe
- kynde
- kynds
- kypes
- kyrie
- kytes
- kythe