Best Gilbert loadout in Unicorn Overlord

A Prince is no greater than his people—and his people are gonna hit hard.

Prince of Drakenhold Gilbert salutes in Unicorn Overlord.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

Support units in strategy games can often be overlooked when deciding an army’s efficiency. Nobody plays that part as well as Gilbert in Unicorn Overlord, a unit capable of making any group of warriors competent with the right loadout.

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Let’s discuss what the best loadout for Gilbert is in Unicorn Overlord.

Best units to pair with Gilbert in Unicorn Overlord

The stat screen for Prince Alain in Unicorn Overlord.
All-rounders like the Prince of Cornia can serve Gilbert very well. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Gilbert is a Prince—a unit that requires strong offensive units to do the dirty work for him. Thankfully, Unicorn Overlord features a variety of units perfect for Gilbert, from tanks to juggernauts and even glass cannons.

Gilbert is best placed in the back row, where his meager defenses are only targeted by specific hate. He doesn’t need a full tank to protect him, so you can set your Vanguard, High Lord, or other blocking unit to protect allies. The following units work great with Gilbert:

  • Elven Archer: These elves provide good healing and debuff control while dealing damage. Since Gilbert already provides quite good damage reduction by himself, the Elven Archer’s lower healing works well and their higher damage compared to Clerics like Tatiana is much appreciated.
  • High Lord: Alain is a much-loved figure on every squad. However, Gilbert’s full range of Orders—20 percent damage, defense, guaranteed blocks—all work very well with Alain’s mixed offensive strategy.
  • Dark Marquess: Berengaria is quite good as a bruiser, offering a wide array of potent buffs and debuffs for a squad to abuse. Gilbert’s abilities pair perfectly with her, granting her that extra durability to survive.
  • Doom Knight: Gloucester provides great damage, self-healing, and some blocking that works great with Gilbert’s buffs. In addition, it’s not difficult for his axe to reach triple-digit damage quite early in Unicorn Overlord, so another 20 percent on top is perfect.
  • Werebear/Wereowl/Werelion: The Bestral nation boasts great units for offense. We recommend bringing a Werebear to break through armor, though magic users can absolutely suffice over these unit types if you do not yet have Bestral units.

Best equipment for Gilbert in Unicorn Overlord

The stats for Prince Gilbert in Unicorn Overlord.
Listen, with these stats, the Prince isn’t exactly going to be taking any heads. Screenshot by Dot Esports

As a Prince, Gilbert joins the fight with a Sword slot and three Accessory slots. These items are crucial to his game plan, so build him carefully. We recommend the following item types for Gilbert.

  • Sword—Utility: Honestly, Gilbert’s Royal Saber was one we kept with him until late game. Five additional initiative are huge for this crown prince.
  • Accessory OneInitiative: Gilbert’s huge pool of buffs is only useful if you cast them before enemies. An item like the Raven Plume can basically guarantee he is able to cast his buffs early enough to be relevant in combat. This does lower the usefulness of his Banishing Stab, but that usually doesn’t end up mattering.
  • Accessory TwoSapphire Pendant/Crown of the Abyss: Gilbert is a character defined by his actions. While his buffs are fantastic, his passive buffs are more temporary and easily spammable. Two more PP go a long way for him.
  • Accessory ThreeDurability: Keeping Gilbert alive is not too difficult, since he has all-around average growths for every single stat. However, a durability item like an Illusory Cloak won’t go amiss on him.

Best conditions for Gilbert in Unicorn Overlord

The skills of Prince Gilbert in Unicorn Overlord.
This is where the Prince’s money-makers are located. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Gilbert is most notable for his Actives which grant his squad incredible power.

  1. Offensive OrderNo Conditions: A good Gilbert should be starting every fight by providing the entire fight with 20 percent damage.
  2. Defensive OrderNo Conditions: A good Gilbert will also attempt to give defense at the start of the fight. With Rapid Order, you shouldn’t have too many enemies land hits before Gilbert casts this.
  3. Banishing StabPrioritize Buffed: Banishing Stab is an actually good ability, but we only want him to really use it on buffed enemies. Otherwise, it’s just a basic hit.

Gilbert’s Passives are just as important. While more situational, the right calls for his Passives will make your army great.

  1. Rapid OrderNo Conditions: Nothing really to this one. Giving everyone Initiative is just smart.
  2. Sniping OrderPrioritize Front Row: Gilbert wants to cast this on a group of bruisers that don’t include himself. We like putting a bunch of dudes in the front row and letting Sniping Order guarantee their success. You can also run Gamblers Coins on specific unitslike Hildato boost critical hits with this move’s guaranteed hit chance.
  3. Guard OrderOwn PP is One or Less: Guard Order is good for our formation, which includes a lot of shield units. However, Gilbert will happily spam this away if he doesn’t have any conditions, meaning you’ll be less likely to get a Sniping Order off if enemies clear his Initiative. This condition is perfect for ensuring he’ll only cast this after Sniping Order goes off.
Image of Jason Toro-McCue
Jason Toro-McCue
Contributing writer and member of the RPG beat. Professional writer of five years for sites and apps, including Nerds + Scoundrels and BigBrain. D&D and TTRPG fanatic, perpetual Fighter main in every game he plays.