Tekken 8 King move list: All combos and moves

Be the best grappler you can be.

Image via Bandai Namco

Tekken 8 has a diverse character roster, with each character having an extensive move pool and tons of combo potential. And who has the biggest move pool in the game? You guessed it—it’s the mighty grappler King.

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If want to play King (or counter him), you should educate yourself about all the fancy tricks this beast can pull off in Tekken 8, and we’re here to help.

Tekken 8 King move list

10 Fighters In Tekken 8 You'll Want To Try Out ASAP
Let the fun begin. Image via Bandai Namco

Thanks to his extensive throws, King has the biggest move pool in the game with a whopping 197 total moves that are tough to block. Below is the full King move list for Tekken 8.

Note that the list contains a ton of technical language referred to as “combo notation” in the Tekken 8 community. I highly recommend you read our guide to Tekken 8 combo notation to understand everything in the move list below.

All Heat moves for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Heat Burst[When Heat activation available] 2+3
2Elbow Impactf2, 1
3Shoulder Tacklef2+3
4Muscle Armor > Emerald Elbowd/b1+2, 2
5Rapid King Onslaught[During Jaguar Sprint] 1+3 [or 2+4]
6Freedom Face Buster[Approaching crouching opponent] d1+4
7Ultimo Jaguar[During Heat] 2+3

All Rage moves for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Anger Of The Beast[During Rage] d/f1+2

All normal moves for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Palm Strike1, 2
2Palm Strike > Head Jammer1, 2, 2+4
3Palm Strike > V Driver1, 2, d2+4
4Palm Strike Uppercut1, 2, 1
5Palm Strike Uppercut > Suplex1, 2, 1, 2+4
6Palm Strike Uppercut > V Driver1, 2, 1, d2+4
7Right Jab > Uppercut2, 1
8Heat Spinner1+2, 1
9Brutal Sting1+2, 3
10Jaguar Step3+4
11Elbow Impactf2, 1
12Jaguar Smash Combof2, d1, 2
13Front Kickf3
14Front Kick > DDTf3, [during front hit on ground] 1+2
15Rolling Sobatf4
16Shadow Lariatf1+2
17Jaguar Sprintf3+4
18Body Checkf1+4
19Shoulder Tacklef2+3
20Elbow Stingd/f1, 2
21Double Hook Disasterd/f2, 1
22Lasso Kickd/f3, [on hit or block] 4
23Mincerd/f4, 3, 4
24Mincer Lowd/f4, 3, d4
26Jab > Uppercutd1, 2
28Atlas’ Hammerd1+2
29Stagger Kicksd3+4, 4, 4
30Stagger Kicks Flurryd3+4, 4, 4, 4 [Counter Hit]
31Quick Hook > Heel Kickb1, 4
32Stagger Kick Spinning Uppercut[During Stagger Kicks] 2
33Corporate Elbowd2+3
34Brain Chopd/b2
35Crouching Low Kickd/b3
36Low Drop Kickd/b4
37Muscle Armor > Emerald Elbowd/b1+2, 2
38Muscle Armor > Jaguar Sprintd/b1+2, 3+4
39Quick Hook > Uppercutb1, 2
40Chupacabra > Spinning Back Elbowb2, 1
41Chupacabra > Olympia Slamb2, 4
42Chupacabra > Head Buttb2, 1+2
43Toll Kickb3
44Guillotine Dropb3, [during front hit on ground] 1+2
45Disgraceful Kickb4
46Reverse Jaguar Stepb3+4
47Capital Punishmentu1+2
48Burning Knuckleu1+2 [hold]
49Water Parting Chopu/f1
50High Elbow Dropu/f2
51Falling Heel Kicku/f3
52Jumping Knee Liftu/f4
53Sole Crusheru/f3+4
54Delayed Rising Toe Kicku/f, N, 4
55Stomach Smashf, f, N, 2
56Jaguar Hammerf, f, N, 2 [Counter Hit]
57Lay Offf, f1
58Jaguar Hookf, f1
59Beast Elbowf, f2
60Konvict Kickf, f4
61Konvict Kick > DDTf, f4 [Counter Hit]
62Exploderf, f3+4
63Diving Body Pressf, f2+3
64Strong KneeWR3
65Running ExploderWR3+4
6610 Hit Combo1 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 1, 3
6710 Hit Combo2 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1+2

All special moves for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Ki Charge1+2+3+4

All moves during Beast Step for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Beast Stepf, N, d, d/f
2Knee Liftf, N, d, d/f4
3Black Bombf, N, d, d/f1+2

All crouching moves for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Round Trip ChopWS2, 2
2Toe SmashWS4
3Snap UppercutWS1+2
4Leg Breakerd/f1
5Body Blowd/f2
6Round Trip ChopWS2, 2
7Toe SmashWS4
8Snap UppercutWS1+2
9Leg Breakerd/f1
10Body Blowd/f2

All sidestep moves for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Victory Palm[During sidestep] 1
2Deadly Boomerang[During sidestep] 3+4

All moves while down for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Whirling Spring Kick[By opponent’s feet] while down and facing up b3+4

All backward-facing moves for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Blind Kick[Back facing opponent] 3
2Blind Kick > Neck Breaker[Back facing opponent 3, [during close range hit on ground] 1+2
3Atomic Blaster[Back facing opponent] 1+2
4Moonsault Body Press[Back facing opponent] 1+4

All Jaguar Step moves for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Jaguar Step3+4
2Jaguar Step > Hook [During Jaguar Step] 1
3Jaguar Step > Hammer[During Jaguar Step] 2
4Jaguar Step > Sobat [During Jaguar Step] 3
5Jaguar Step > Sobat & Press [During Jaguar Step] 3, 2+3
6Jaguar Step > High Kick [During Jaguar Step] 4
7Jaguar Step > Mid Kick [During Jaguar Step] d/f4

All Jaguar Sprint moves for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Jaguar Sprintf3+4
2Running Elbow Smash[During Jaguar Sprint] 1
3Jaguar Axe[During Jaguar Sprint] 2
4Sprint K.[During Jaguar Sprint] 3
5Dashing Low Drop Kick [During Jaguar Sprint] 4
6Rapid King Onslaught [During Jaguar Sprint] 1+3 [or 2+4]
7Diving Body Press [During Jaguar Sprint] 2+3

All throws for King in Tekken 8

King spectacularly RKOing Paul in Tekken 8.
RKO! Image via Bandai Namco
NumberMove nameMove notation
1Winding Nut[Approaching opponent] 1+3
2Winding Nut[Approaching opponent] f1+3
3Suplex[Approaching opponent] 2+4
4Suplex[Approaching opponent] f2+4
5Argentina Backbreaker[Approaching opponent from left side] 1+3 [or 2+4]
6Knee Crusher[Approaching opponent from right side] 1+3 [or 2+4]
7Half Boston Crab[Approaching opponent from behind] 1+3 [or f1+3]
8Cobra Twist[Approaching opponent from behind] 2+4 [or f2+4]
9Stretch Buster[Approaching opponent from behind] b, f2+4
10Knee Bash[Approaching opponent] d/f2+3
11Figure Four Leg Lock[Approaching opponent] d/b2+3
12Throw Away[Approaching opponent] b1+2
13Throw Away > Back Swing[Approaching opponent] b1+2, 1+2
14Executioner Drop[Approaching opponent] u/f1+2
15Tombstone Pile Driver[Approaching opponent] d/b, N, f2+4
16Tomahawk[Approaching opponent] WR2+4
17Pile Driver[Approaching opponent] qcf1
18Double Arm Face Buster[During Pile Driver] 1+2, 1+2
19Boston Crab[During Pile Driver] 1+2, 3, 4, 1+2
20Muscle Buster[Approaching opponent] qcb1+2
21Giant Swing[Approaching opponent] f, hcf1
22Tijuana Twister[Approaching opponent] f, hcf2
23Clothesline PressFC d/b, d, d/b1+2
24Ultimate TackleFC 1+2
25Ultimate Punch[During takedown] 2, 1, 2, 1
26Armbar[During takedown] 1+2
27Arm Twist[During Armbar] 1+2
28Leg Cross Hold[During takedown] 3+4
29Stretch Combo[During Leg Cross Hold] 2+4 [Perfect]
30Iron Lariat[Approaching crouching opponent] d1+3
31V Driver[Approaching crouching opponent] d2+4
32Freedom Face Buster[Approaching crouching opponent] d1+4
33Swing Away[Opponent down and facing up] by opponent’s feet d/b1+3 [or d/b2+4]
34Head Bomber[Opponent down and facing up] by opponent’s feet FC d/b1+3
35Figure Four Leg Lock[Opponent down and facing up] by opponent’s feet FC d/b2+4
36Shoulder Cracker[Opponent down and facing up] by opponent’s head d/b1+3 [or d/b2+4]
37Turn Over[Opponent down and facing up] by opponent’s side d/b1+3 [or d/b2+4]
38Half Boston Crab[Opponent down and facing down] by opponent’s feet d/b1+3 [or d/b2+4]
39Wing Tearer[Opponent down and facing down] by opponent’s head d/b1+3 [or d/b2+4]
40Camel Clutch[Opponent down and facing down] from the left d/b1+3 [or d/b2+4]
41Bow & Arrow Stretch Hold[Opponent down and facing down] from the right d/b1+3 [or d/b2+4]
42Mid-Air Leg Cross Hold[Approaching airborne opponent] 1+3 [or f1+3]
43Spine Cracker[Approaching airborne opponent] 2+4 [or f2+4]
44Double Heel Hold[Approaching airborne opponent] d1+3 [or d2+4]
45Flapjack[Approaching airborne opponent during Double Heel Hold] 1+2, 1+2
46Giant Swing[Approaching airborne opponent during Double Heel Hold] 2, 1, 3, 4
47Running Jaguar Bomb[Approaching airborne opponent] WR2+4
48Aerial Jaguar Bomb[Approaching airborne opponent] f, hcf1
49Shining Torpedo[During opponent wall stun] f, hcf1

All attack reversals for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Arm Whip [Time with opponent right punch] b1+3
2Spinning Heel Hold[TIme with opponent left kick] b2+4
3Leg Screw[Time with opponent right kick] b2+4
4Low Parry [TIme with opponent low attack] d/f

All Reverse Arm Slam combos for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Reverse Arm Slam [Approaching opponent] d/f1+3
2Backdrop [During Reverse Arm Slam] 1 [or 2]
3German Suplex[During Backdrop] 1 [or 2]
4Low Parry [TIme with opponent low attack] d/f
5Power Bomb[During German Suplex] 1 [or 2]
6Giant Swing [During Power Bomb] 1
7Muscle Buster[During Power Bomb] 2

All Reverse Special Stretch Bomb combos for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Reverse Special Stretch Bomb[Approaching opponent] d/f2+4
2Reverse Special Stretch Bomb [During sidestep] 2+4
3Cannonball Buster[During Reverse Special Stretch Bomb] 1 [or 2]
4Manhattan Drop [During Cannonball Buster] 1 [or 2]
5Victory Bomb[During Manhattan Drop] 1 [or 2]
6Giant Swing[During Victory Bomb] 1
7Muscle Buster [During VIctory Bomb] 2

All Standing Heel Hold combos for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Standing Heel Hold [Approaching opponent] f, N, d, d/f2+3

2S.T.F.[During Standing Heel Hold] 1, 2, 1+2

3Scorpion Death Lock [During Standing Heel Hold] 2, 1, 1+3

4Indian Death Lock[During Standing Heel Hold] 1+2, 1, 3
5King’s Bridge[During Indian Death Lock] 3, 4, 1+2, 3+4

All Arm Breaker combos for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Arm Breaker[Approaching opponent] f, N, d, d/f1+4
2Triple Arm Breaker[During Arm Breaker] 1, 1+2

3Head Jammer[During Arm Breaker] 2, 4, 2+4

4Struggle Combination [During Head Jammer] 3, 4, 3+4, 1+2
5Chicken Wing Face Lock [During Arm Breaker] 2, 1, 1+3

6Dragon Sleeper Finish [During Chicken Wing Face Lock] 2, 1, 3, 1+2

7Rolling Death Cradle [During Chicken Wing Face Lock] 1, 3, 4, 2, 1+2

All Mexican Magma Drive combos for King in Tekken 8

NumberMove nameMove notation
1Cobra Clutch[Approaching opponent during Jaguar Step] 1+4 [or 2+3]

2Cobra Twist[During Cobra Clutch] 1, 4, 2, 3

3Reverse DDT [During Cobra Twist] 1, 1+3 [or 2, 2+4]

4Reverse Special Stretch Bomb [During Reverse DDT] 1+2, 1, 1+3 [or 1+2, 2, 2+4]
5Samurai Rock[During Reverse DDT] 2, 3, 1, 1+2

6Backdrop [During Reverse Special Stretch Bomb] 3+4, 1+2

7Sol Naciente[During Backdrop] 1+2, 4, 2, 1+2

8Burning Hammer[During Backdrop] 1+2, 3, 1+3 [or 1+2, 4, 2+4]
9Screwdriver [During Burning Hammer] 2, 4, 3, 1, 1+3 [or 2, 4, 3, 1, 2+4]
Image of Yash Nair
Yash Nair
Yash is a freelance writer based in the tropical state of Goa, India. With a focus on competitive Pokémon, he also writes general guides on your favorite video games. Yash has written for sites like Dot Esports and TouchTapPlay, and has a distinct love for indie video game titles.