xQc streams Breaking Bad on Kick two days after his Dark Knight DMCA warning

xQc has followed up on his Dark Knight DMCA warning by streaming episodes of Breaking Bad for his Kick followers.

xQc smiling with his thumb up
Screenshot via xQc on Twitch

xQc has been streaming episodes of Breaking Bad on Kick just two days after he received a warning from the platform for doing the same thing with The Dark Knight.

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xQc made history last week, June 16, when he signed a $100 million deal with Kick. It’s a non-exclusive agreement which means he can technically continue streaming on Twitch. Other than the money, one of the biggest drivers behind xQc signing with Kick is the freedom to do things he can’t on Twitch, hence him streaming episodes of Breaking Bad to his thousands of followers.

Streaming a big budget TV show for free to thousands of people isn’t allowed on Twitch, and it turns out Kick shares that sentiment. The problem here is xQc already knew that. One of the streamer’s first ports of call once arriving on Kick was to stream The Dark Knight. Midway through the movie, someone from the platform notified xQc that he was in violation of Kick’s DMCA policy.

You’d think xQc would have made the connection and correctly assumed all movies and shows fall under that same policy, but apparently not. The streamer proceeded to pop on an episode of Breaking Bad for his fans while he broke it down. Perhaps most surprising of all is at the time of typing this, the VOD of xQc’s Breaking Bad stream is still available. Kick requested the Dark Knight stream end immediately and the VOD be removed from xQc’s channel, which it has. Clearly it’s much more afraid of Christopher Nolan than AMC.

If xQc continues to stream content that keeps Kick’s legal team busy, the new arrival on the platform may well risk a ban. Probably not for long, though. Not only will Kick not want its $100 million investment out of action for longer than he needs to be, but other streamers have been testing Kick’s ban waters and have rarely been gone for more than a day. Even live streaming a sex act only gets you banned for 24 hours, something Heelmike demonstrated back in February.

Related: XQc’s $100 million Kick deal has a catch that may have made him a co-owner

xQc may well be Kick’s most valuable asset right now. A streamer who will get a lot of eyeballs on the platform, but it has cost them a lot of money to get him on board. xQc risking two DMCA violations in his first week isn’t the start to their relationship Kick likely envisioned.

Image of Josh Coulson
Josh Coulson
Freelance writer who plays and covers a little bit of everything with a focus on Fortnite and Pokemon. Playing video games for as long as I can remember, and writing about them since 2018, you can also find my work at TheGamer and TheSportster.