XQc tips massive amount to skeptical waitress after leaving it up to chance

"This wasn't a mistake."

Screengrab via xQc on Twitch

Despite having a tough time at the skate park, xQc was clearly in a good mood when he decided to have a night out in Santa Monica.

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xQc is largely known for sitting in front of his monitor and playing video games, but the Juicer recently decided to “touch grass” by doing a skateboarding stream in Venice Beach, California. While he ultimately wiped out at the skate park, fans were excited to see xQc away from his fast food wrapper-riddled battle station.

XQc ballin’ at Bubba Gump restaurant, leaves huge tip

After falling on his butt, xQc and his pals decided to head back to Santa Monica for a fun night at the beach. The squad used scooters to ride around downtown and then headed to the Santa Monica Pier. Here, xQc settled on getting a slushie at Bubba Gump.

At the restaurant, xQc was instantly recognized. This isn’t all too surprising since he currently has over 11.5 million followers on Twitch. At one point while streaming in the food establishment, xQc decided to spin a randomizer to see what amount of money the waitress would get. It ended up landing on the highest amount, $1,200.

He brought it to the waitress personally, telling her it “wasn’t a mistake.”

“You’re lying,” she said after seeing the shocking tip. “I’m not,” xQc said, explaining the randomizer to her.

After the waitress thanked him, xQc and his squad rolled out. A lot of fans felt that the waitress was still skeptical and most likely thought the tip was fake even after he left. Others joked that her confusion was more due to xQc being difficult to understand—he is known for rambling quite rapidly.

byu/KrMaCoW from discussion

According to some fans, however, xQc had been rambling because he was nervous. Leading up to approaching the waitress, xQc had told viewers that he was going to try and downplay it so that people wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. He allegedly was worried it may come across as “cringe.”

While the interaction was somewhat chaotic, the gesture was still wholesome to many fans. Seeing xQc give such a large tip was heartwarming to some. Others, however, wondered if he would have also listened to the randomizer if it landed on $1.
