Streamer has physical fortitude challenged in button-mashing Mario Maker level

It took the strength of Undertale music and Twitch emote spam to beat this one.

Screengrab via Twitch.TV/moonmoon_ow
Screengrab via Twitch.TV/moonmoon_ow

In the latest case of ridiculous Super Mario Maker 2 courses, Twitch streamer MOONMOON_OW had to test his physical and mental fortitude in dramatic fashion to beat a level on Tuesday.

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As soon as the stress-inducing level started, Moon picked up a mushroom out of habit, as everyone who has played Super Mario Bros has been conditioned to do.

After seeing how many mushrooms were scattered all around the level and how unavoidable they were, he realized something terrible was waiting for him at the end.

“I don’t think I’m supposed to be big, chat, if there’s this many mushrooms,” he said.

As the level went on and more and more mushrooms filled the screen, despair began to set in.

“Oh my god, I’m dead,” Moon said. “I’m dead, I’m already dead.”

That’s when Moon’s nemesis finally came into view: a one-block-high tunnel with a conveyor belt inside, guarding the end of the level.

The conveyor belt moving the opposite direction paired with the short clearance height meant Moon would have to crouch and mash the jump button faster than the speed of light to make it through.

“Huh, you think you can stop me? I’m from the Crouch Gang!” Moon said, referencing an emote in his chat while taunting his challenger.

He blasted “Megalovania,” from Undertale to intensify the moment and began crouch-jumping his way to victory. Moon almost overcame the beast on his very first attempt, but alas, he was spit out like some bad food.

Moon gave it several more tries until he accepted defeat, cowardly uttering, “I can’t do it.” Fortunately, he quickly realized how foolish he was being as a new wave of courage washed over him.

Going full warrior mode, Moon restarted the song, let out a primal battle cry and got to mashing.

For 35 seconds, Moon focused the entirety of his body’s energy into mashing the jump button with more ferocity and rapidity than anyone thought possible.

His chat spammed the Crouch Gang emote over and over alongside cries of, “FASTER,” “DETERMINATION,” and “PATHETIC,” in the hopes of coaching the streamer to victory.

Triumphantly, Mario slid down the flag pole to the level’s end castle, and Moon let out a victorious grunt.

If you’d like to experience the “Super Nice Bros. 2” level by DominoKing for yourself and are okay with risking the destruction of your Joycon’s buttons, the code is: Q3K-3H9-XLF.

Image of Will Strickland
Will Strickland
Broadcast journalism graduate from Appalachian State University focusing on streaming culture. Twitter: @WStrickDot Email: