How to solve the Abandoned Station power supply puzzle in Stellar Blade

How to activate the rail by supplying power.

The power control room
Screenshot by Dot Esports

Early in the Scavenger Adam mission in Stellar Blade, you’ll find yourself in an Abandoned Station. But you discover there’s no power when you try to activate the monorail panel. You must solve a puzzle in the power control room to restore power.

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The Nexus Smart Grid System instructs you to “Activate the rail by supplying power” and presents you with four numbered power nodes. There are six slots where the power nodes can be placed and the goal of the puzzle is to place the nodes so the five power bars fill up. At first, I found this Stellar Blade puzzle quite confusing, but I figured it out after a while.

Stellar Blade monorail power control room puzzle solution

Abandoned Station puzzle solution
Just copy this if you’re in too much of a hurry to read about how it works. Screenshot by Dot Esports

When you place one of the numbered power nodes into a slot, it will supply power to the bar or bars connected to that slot. If you place it in one of the slots at either end, its power will be supplied to the one bar it’s connected to. But if you place it in any of the four slots in the middle, its power will be split evenly between the bars on either side of the slot. It’s OK to supply too much power to one or more of the bars, but all five must be full to activate the monorail.

Start by placing the first power node in the slot on the far right. This will fill the one-unit bar at the right-hand end.

Next, place the sixth power node in the slot between the three-unit and two-unit bars. This will fill both of those bars. Don’t worry about that one excess unit of power; you can spare it.

Place the eighth power node in the slot between the two largest bars. This will add four units of power to each of those bars. So, one of them is now full, and the other just needs three more units.

Finally, place the third power node into the slot on the far left. This will fill the largest power bar, meaning all the bars should now be full.

The monorail arriving at the station
This would be a perfect opportunity for a monster ambush, wouldn’t it? Screenshot by Dot Esports

You should get a “Connection Successful” message before seeing the monorail panel powering up and hearing Adam say, “That’s ready.” Go back up the stairs to the platform and try the monorail panel again. This time, it will work, and you’ll summon an ancient but functional monorail car.

Image of Gavin Mackenzie
Gavin Mackenzie
Gavin Mackenzie has been playing video games since the early 80s, and writing about them professionally since the late 90s. Having been a writer and editor on various British magazines including PLAY, GamesTM, and X360, he's now a freelance guides specialist at Dot Esports.