Starfield Out on a Limb: Should you delete files for Emilio or persuade him to hand over the data?

Emilio isn't winning employee of the month anytime soon.

Starfield's Emilio looking straight ahead, speaking
Screenshot by Dot Esports

If you complete Starfield‘s A Tree Grows in New Atlantis mission, then you will get another activity update telling you to check in with Kelton Frush later. When you do, he tells you that he needs data to help with his research, but it’s in the hands of his begrudged employee Emilio. He then asks if you can retrieve it for him.

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After a less-than-sterling report from Kelton, Emilio is reluctant (to say the least) to hand over the research to you. Emilio says he will, however, give you the research if you help him “secure a better position in MAST” by deleting negative files from his personnel file. But should you delete these files for Emilio in Starfield, or should you try to persuade him to hand over the data instead?

What happens if you delete the files for Emilio in Starfield?

Deleting the files for Emilio is pretty straightforward | Video by Dot Esports

When you speak to Emilio, he asks you to delete files from his personnel file to help him get a promotion. If you agree to do this, then you need to break into the apartment of the MAST Chief Engineer in the Orion Tower nearby. As soon as I selected “Fine I’m in,” however, I got the self-doubt status due to being an empath and Sarah Morgan, my companion, was not best pleased.

Once you’ve lockpicked the door to the apartment, you can go to the Chief Engineer’s terminal in the corner of the room and click on personnel files to access the files on both Kelton and Emilio. If you look at Emilio’s file closely, you see he’s got no recommendations, which is no surprise as he’s had a number of disciplinary issues. He’s been reprimanded for missing deadlines and had three prior reports for insubordination, among other things. Not exactly employee of the month.

Select ‘Purge all files’ in Emilio’s personnel file and then go back to him. He hands over the data (Emilio’s Slate), and if you said you would do it for the credits, he should pay you, too. I didn’t select this option early, however, and all I got was the slate.

You can now take the data back to Kelton, rewarding you 2000 Credits and 110XP.

What happens if you persuade Emilio to hand over the research in Starfield?

Starfield's Emilio, there are dialogue choices for the player on the screen to allow the player to either agree with his request or turn it down.
Personally, I regret not roughing Emilio up a bit | Screenshot by Dot Esports

You don’t necessarily need to delete the files for Emilio if you can persuade him to give you the data. When you speak to him+-, he offers to hand over the data if you delete the files, but you can say it sounds shady and try to persuade him instead. My method was to find out what the task was and then to try and persuade him, which initially displeased Sarah Morgan and gave me the previously mentioned self-doubt status effect. Here are the dialogue options I recommend choosing

  • “Kelton Frush asked me to get some data from you.”
  • “[Empath] I know how you feel. This is frustrating for you, but you need to do the right thing here. It’ll be cathartic.”
  • OR
  • “Kelton says this isn’t about him. Lives could be at stake.”
  • “Fine I’m in” OR “That sounds shady. I don’t want anything to do with it.”
  • “[Persuade] How about you just give me Kelton’s data now, and we skip the rest.”

You then need to pass a persuasion skill check, This is much easier if you already know how to auto-persuade in Starfield, but I only had Rank 1 Persuasion when I did this mission and was able to persuade Emilio with the following:

  • “This isn’t the way to get ahead.” (Persuasion +3)

Even if you pass the check, Emilio tries to persuade you to delete his files. When he makes his final plea, I replied, “Enough of this, I won’t do it. Hand over the data now.”

Emilio should then agree to hand over the data. I also got a self-esteem status effect and a note saying Sarah Morgan liked the action. Head back to Kelton, and he shall reward you with 2000 Credits and 110XP.

Should you delete the files for Emilio or persuade him to hand over the data in Starfield?

A conversation with Starfield's Kelton, several dialogue options are presented
I’d call him more than a ‘piece of work’ | Screenshot by Dot Esports

Emilio is a swine, so I suggest persuading him if you can rather than deleting the files for him. He’s clearly an awful employee and even worse person, so unless you’re desperate for the credits or unable to persuade him to give over the data, it’s best to acquire the research without partaking in illegal activities.

Image of Vic Hood
Vic Hood
Vic is Gaming Editor at Dot Esports. An award-winning games journalist, Vic brings experience from IGN, Eurogamer, TechRadar, and more to the Dot Esports table. You may have even heard her on the radio or speaking on a panel. Not only is Vic passionate about games, but she's also an avid mental health advocate who has appeared on both panels and podcasts to discuss mental health awareness. Make sure to follow her on Twitter (@hood_vic) for more.