All Star Wars Outlaws characters

Includes outlaws, bad guys, and cute critters

An image of Kay Vess and Nix on a motorcycle looking out on a mountain like landscape from Star Wars Outlaws
Image via Massive Entertainment.

The latest story trailer for the upcoming Star Wars Outlaws gave us a glimpse of the new characters that are set to make their debut in the Star Wars world when the game releases in August. 

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We are going to be looking at the characters that will be appearing in Star Wars Outlaws, including the characters we already knew about and the newbies who made their debut in the recent trailer. 

All Star Wars Outlaws confirmed characters

Kay Vess

An in game screenshot of Kay Vess from Star Wars Outlaws
Scoundrel gal. Image via Massive Entertainment

Kay Vess is the protagonist and player character of Star Wars Outlaws. She is described as a thief and a scoundrel who has to adopt a criminal lifestyle to survive. The only companion she has ever known is her alien pet Nix, as she grew up alone in the worker’s district of the casino city of Canto Bight on planet Cantonica. 

As Kay, the player will build their relationships with different crime syndicates. Depending on your choices, these relationships will change parts of the story and even the gameplay. Even though Kay has a personality of her own, it seems the player’s decisions will likely have an impact on who she will become. 


An image of the alien creature Nix from Star Wars Outlaws
If anything happens to Nix, I will commit war crimes (in game). Image via Massive Entertainment

This adorable alien is Kay’s companion who is not only super cute, but also a useful ally as he can sneak around enemies and aid Kay with stealth missions. To me, Nix looks like a mash-up of Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon, Stitch from Lilo and Stitch, and an axolotl, all of which come together to create one big bundle of adorableness. If anything happens to him, I will riot. 


An in game image of ND-5 from Star Wars Outlaws.
A buff bot boy. Image via Massive Entertainment

ND-5 is described as a “battle-hardened droid” by the Star Wars Outlaws developers, and we have caught glimpses of his tough exterior in the trailers. ND-5 has become something of a fan favorite before the game has even released thanks to his buff nature—due to being a BX-series droid commando—and his keen fashion sense as he wears a dusty green trench coat. 

His badass nature comes from his role as an enforcer/security droid, which he became during the reign of the Empire in the Imperial Era. If there’s one character from Outlaws who is going to become a fan fiction star, it’s going to be ND-5. 


An in game image of Sliro from Star Wars Outlaws
Generic bad guy vibes. Image via Massive Entertainment

Sliro is the first new character we see appear at the beginning of the story trailer. He is described by Navid Khavari—the narrative director of Outlaws—as an elite individual who resides in Canto Bight. He leads a brand new criminal syndicate called Zerek Besh. Despite being new to the crime scene, the Zerek Besh are already feared for their lethality and wealth. 

Sliro is shown bringing together the head honchos from some of the most powerful and well-known syndicates in the Star Wars universe, demonstrating just how powerful he and the Zerek Besh are while also forming alliances. After Kay fails a job for Sliro, he puts a bounty on her head and sends a renowned bounty hunter—known as Vail—to track her down. 


An in game image of Jaylen from Star Wars Outlaws
Mentor and heist manager. Image via Massive Entertainment

Described in the story trailer breakdown as a mentor of sorts to Kay, Jaylen is another scoundrel who has the necessary Outer Rim and underworld experience to aid Kay in her journey. He sees her potential, so he offers her the dangerous but highly lucrative job of robbing Sliro of his fortune so Kay can finally be free. 


An in game image of Vail from Star Wars Outlaws
She’s on your tail. Image via Massive Entertainment

Vail is described by Sliro as “one of the best hunters in the Outer Rim”, and as mentioned, she is tasked with hunting down Kay for him. She has had experience with all the crime syndicates and was raised in the criminal underworld, making her a particularly significant threat to Kay. We see ND-5 knocking her forcefully to the ground, though, so at least we know that she isn’t going to be an OP adversary who can’t be stopped. 

Jabba the Hutt

An image of Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars Outlaws
The blob returns. Image via Massive Entertainment

Next is a well-known, established, and oddly beloved character from the Star Wars franchise, Jabba the Hutt. Jabba appears as the head of the Hutt clan, and we see him in the trailer in his Tatooine throne room. It will be interesting to see if you can make an ally out of Jabba, especially considering his role in the Star Wars universe. 


An image of the Chadra Fan crewmate from Star Wars Outlaws
It looks like there will be various alien species available as crewmates. Image via Massive Entertainment

It becomes clear that pulling off the heist against Sliro is going to take more than just Kay, Nix, and ND-5. You will have to assemble a crew of fellow Outlaws to aid you in your journey and improve your chances of pulling off the heist. In the trailer, we see a Protocol Droid, a Rodian, and a Chadra Fan, all of whom could be potential crew members who might join your cause. 

The Syndicates: The Pyke Syndicate, Crimson Dawn, The Hutt Cartel, The Ashiga Clan, and Zerek Besh

An image of the Crimson Dawn leader from Star Wars Outlaws
The infamous Crimson Dawn will be one of the crime syndicates you can deal with in Star Wars Outlaws. Image via Massive Entertainment

Although the crime syndicates of Star Wars are groups rather than individual characters, they are worth mentioning as they will play a large role in the narrative and will actively impact the story. 

Star Wars Outlaws is set in the period between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in the canon Star Wars timeline. This period is a golden age for the crime syndicates in the series, as the Imperial Army is too busy fighting the Rebels to stem the growth of the criminal underworld. The syndicates are thriving during this time, as they are spread far and wide across the Outer Rim. 

An image of the Zerek Besh syndicate from Star Wars Outlaws.
There’s a new crew in town. Image via Massive Entertainment.

Along with the aforementioned Zerek Besh, the other syndicates that will be appearing in the game are the Pykes, Crimson Dawn, and the Hutt Cartel. A new syndicate known as The Ashiga Clan will also be appearing. This is a unique group created especially for the game in a collaboration between Massive Entertainment and Lucasfilm Games. Fans of the Black Sun syndicate from the Star Wars universe will be disappointed, though, as they haven’t been listed as one of the crime groups appearing in Outlaws

That’s everything that we know about the characters—and syndicate groups—that will be appearing in Star Wars Outlaws. Make sure to check out the developer breakdown of the story trailer to learn more about the story and the characters. 

Image of Antonia Haynes
Antonia Haynes
Antonia Haynes is a freelance general gaming writer for Dot Esports who resides in a small seaside town in England where she has lived her whole life. Beginning her video game writing career back in 2014, and having an avid love of gaming since childhood, she became a staff writer in 2018 before becoming freelance in 2023 with her role at Dot Esports. Her ideal day would consist of junk food, fluffy pyjamas and video games because quite frankly going outside is overrated.