All Boss Salmonid weaknesses in Splatoon 3’s Salmon Run co-op mode

This is as easy as swimming upstream.

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Salmon Run is the newest co-op experience in Splatoon 3. The Nintendo gods have blessed fans of couch co-ops with the sequel to previous iterations. This new experience will bring in new enemies, new weapons, and most importantly, new bosses.

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Players will take on four enemy hordes with the object of collecting Golden Eggs. Boss Salmonids give players all the Golden Eggs they can fit in their basket.

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Here’s a list of all the boss Salmonids

Big Shots

These big kahunas are boss Salmonids that surface during Splatoon 3’s Salmon Run Next Wave. Big Shots launcher fires a cannonball that bounces up and down upon impact, sending a shockwave that’ll rock players to their core.

The only way to beat this chunky fella is to take out the Salmonid behind it.

Fish Sticks

These little guys fly above players, shooting ink from the clouds and running rings around the pillar. Players will have to shoot each little Fish Stick individual with ink shots to take them all out. Users can also climb atop the pillar and rain down upon them.


These guys are geared up with strong armor players will have to tear apart to make a dent. Flipper-floppers shoot a ring of ink towards players, and commit to a massive dolphin belly flop, with the goal of squashing users.

Shoot the Flipper-Flopper in the air; that’s when they’re at their most vulnerable. Players can also shoot ink within their rings, making them incapable of diving.

Slammin’ Lid

These trash-can lid UFO-looking enemies fly around the skies. Each Slammin’ Lid has a Salmonid residing inside its cockpit. Salmonids will flood the floor beneath it as it circles the area around players.

Be warned: stay out of its force field or it will squish you.

To defeat the Slammin’ Lid, take out the pilot and it’s all over. A good Splatoon 3 tactic is to walk into the force field and dodge its slam, leaving the pilot exposed. 

And there you have it: all Boss Salmonid weaknesses in Splatoon 3. This list should get you ready for each encounter, making it easy to take on any horde that comes your way.

Image of Harrison Thomas
Harrison Thomas
CS:GO, Overwatch, and Valorant Staff Writer - Played CS:GO since 2012 and keep a close eye on other titles. Give me a game and I'll write about it. Ranks are private information. Contact