Oddler completes Resident Evil marathon that made him a meme a decade ago

ResidentSleeper is now conjured.

Oddlerpro looking at the screen with a focused look.
Screenshot via Twitch's Oddlerpro

Twitch streamer Oddler has cleared a Resident Evil marathon he had failed to complete 12 years ago, paying homage to the fail that made him a meme.

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Oddler is the face of one of Twitch’s most-used emotes: the ResidentSleeper. It was created after the player fell asleep during a big streaming marathon in 2011, putting an early end to it.

In the marathon from 2011, he had fallen asleep live after playing for 66 hours straight, 10 hours before its set end. Viewers had flocked on the livestream to see when he would wake up. Oddler ended up sleeping for two hours on the livestream, which gave birth to the ResidentSleeper meme. It was made by cropping Oddler’s head and making it into a chat emote.

Ever since that failed marathon, Oddler made attempts to finally complete it. But he failed several times. Earlier in December, he made his sixth attempt and finally cleared it. He completed a 72-hour livestream on Resident Evil’s Director Cut for his sixth attempt on Dec. 4. “Spam your Sleepers, man. Took me 12 fucking years but I fucking did it,” he said proudly after reaching the 72th-hour mark. Staying awake for that long is sure a significant challenge.

“If you skip between the start of the first VOD and the last VOD you can see his beard grow lol,” wrote a comment on the clip’s thread. The meme will remain intertwined with Twitch’s culture, but Oddler now has put the final word on that story—no matter the cost on his sleeping schedule.

Image of Eva Martinello
Eva Martinello
Eva is a Staff Writer from Paris. Her part-time job is charging into walls with Reinhardt. She has been covering League of Legends esports and other titles for six years. She still believes in a Moscow Five comeback. She also fell into the MMO pit and covers FFXIV and Genshin.