PUBG studio director hints at game improvements

A studio director commented on a Reddit thread addressing issues and upcoming changes.

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A studio director for PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds commented on a Reddit thread addressing possible improvements for the game earlier today.

A Reddit thread on the official PUBG subreddit caught the attention of a studio director. The fan-made post outlined issues with the game and suggested solutions. The studio director responded briefly, acknowledging the problems within the game and the solutions. They hinted at future game improvements that are “in line” with the post’s suggestions.

“We’re keenly aware of this list, and for what it’s worth, it jives very well with our internal dev efforts,” the studio director said. “Stay tuned to see a lot of this roll out over in future seasons/patches.”

The thread focused on the main issues that the Reddit user saw with the game and offered possible solutions. It received a lot of positive feedback from other fans. The top-three issues were that learning the game is tedious for new players, the game doesn’t reward skill, and matchmaking queues are “unsustainable on some game modes and maps.” There were underlying problems within these primary issues, such as the lack of tutorial for new players, making it hard to learn without “jumping in the deep end.”

The user outlined solutions to these problems, including adding bots and a casual game mode for new players, and filling the servers with bots to prevent lengthy matchmaking queue times. 

And according to the studio director’s comment, it seems like a lot of these suggestions are already being implemented. With Fortnite adding bots to the game, it’s possible that this is one of the changes coming to PUBG to make it more friendly to new players. 
