Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series marks the 25th season for the Pokémon anime series. Ash and Pikachu have stood as the main protagonists since the first episode aired on April 1, 1997. Since then, Ash has starred in 24 movies, traveled across eight regions, and achieved his dream to become the Pokémon World Champion. His legacy will forever live on in fans’ lives and memories, even following announcements concerning the future of the Pokémon animated series.
The Pokémon Company confirmed the end of Ash’s tenure with the official announcement of a new Pokémon series that is set to air in Japan on April 14, 2023. The new series is simply known as “Pocket Monster” in Japan, with Paldea as the setting for the new adventure.
First announced on Dec. 16, 2022, the new anime will feature two new protagonists, Rika and Roy. Joining them will be the ninth generation starter Pokémon, Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Nemona, Arven, Penny, and other Paldean characters are expected to appear as the supporting cast, taking on the familiar roles of Brock, Misty, and other companions Ash met along his travels.
Fan reception to the new protagonists and series announcement have been mixed. Many lament the childhood hero’s exit, while some believe it’s for the best that the Pokémon anime starts fresh with a new set of protagonists. Others admit their nostalgia for Ash as the main character, but are still willing to watch the new series despite his departure from the limelight.
To continue on his legacy, The Pokémon Company has been steadily updating its Pokémon TV service with past seasons of the anime. On Jan. 6, Pokémon DP Sinnoh League Victors, the 13th season, was made available to stream online through computers, Nintendo Switch, or the Pokémon TV mobile app, while Pokémon: Black and White was added on Jan. 30. Currently, eight seasons of the anime are available to watch, including Ash’s origins in season one.
Ash will make his last anime appearances in a special episode collection that concludes Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series, serving as a final send-off to the beloved series hero. This nine-episode series started on Jan. 20 and will run until March 10. After 26 years, Ash and Pikachu’s retirement marks the end of an era while Rika and Roy set out to lead the new generation of Pokémon fans across the world.