Each new Pokémon game is a chance to welcome new mechanics to the franchise. Developers can also use new releases to reintroduce old features to the game, and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet marked the return of picnicking.
Going on a picnic is one of the better ways to bond with your Pokémon and increase your friendship level with them. The treats you’ll take to a picnic can also help you improve the stats of your Pokémon. Depending on the sandwich of your choice, you’ll get to boost a different stat, increasing the need to learn more sandwich recipes in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
How do you learn more sandwich recipes in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?
Players can learn more sandwich recipes from the vendor at the Sandwich Shop in Mesagoza and various NPCs.
If you’ve just visited Mesagoza to pick new sandwich recipes, you’ll need to continue progressing through the game before he can teach you new ones. The recipes available at the Mesagoze Sandwich Shop will change periodically, allowing players to expand their sandwich palettes.
Once you learn new recipes, your next step will be to gather the required recipes to craft them. While some sandwiches will share ingredients, others may take you on new adventures. Depending on a sandwich’s type, your Pokémon will get to enjoy various bonuses that can help them in battles.
Boosted Pokémon can help you progress through the game faster as you’ll be spending less time in battles, freeing up time for adventures.