One of the most mysterious creatures of the Pokémon franchise, Mimikyu is a tiny Ghost and Fairy Pokémon that hides its true form behind a poorly made Pikachu disguise. But unlike the beloved electric mouse, the wannabe Pikachu has an unsettling creepy vibe to match its Ghost typing.
The spookiness doesn’t stop there, either. According to multiple Pokédex entries across the three generations it’s been in, Mimikyu’s real appearance is terrifying, and it’s known to be violent toward anyone who sees or tries to see what lies beneath its disguise. In fact, after stumbling upon its true form, some victims have either “died painfully” or succumbed to a “mysterious disease.”
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Hearing about these tragic incidents, however, won’t stop fans from seeking out a Mimikyu of their own in Pokémon Go. Whether it’s to fill out their Pokédex or to befriend the creepy cute Pokémon, here’s what players need to know about Mimikyu’s availability in the mobile game.
Can you get Mimikyu in Pokémon Go?
Currently, Mimikyu is unavailable in Pokémon Go. It is among the many Pokémon that have yet to make their debut in the game despite being introduced to the franchise back in Gen VII.
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That being said, Mimikyu’s time to shine will come eventually. Like other Pokémon added to Pokémon Go, Mimikyu will likely make its debut through a future special event. A spooky ghost-themed event, for example, would be the perfect setting for its big debut.