Best Chest farming route for Palworld

These chest farming routes are your best shot at getting easy gold, rare Schematics, and more.

A screenshot of the Palworld main character in front of a purple chest.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

Farming chests is crucial for getting rare weapon and gear Schematics in Palworld, collecting valuable Sapphires to sell, and obtaining Skill Fruits to strengthen your Pals. The most efficient spots are routes with clustered chests, particularly the Wildlife Sanctuaries. These are the best routes for chest farming.

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Best chest farming spots in Palworld

  1. South Wildlife Sanctuary (90, -724)
  2. North Wildlife Sanctuary (666, 635)
  3. West Wildlife Sanctuary (-673, -114)

These three spots are top picks for chest farming in Palworld because the chests are free to open (no keys needed) and hold valuable items. They’re also nearby and easy to get to, especially with a fast flying mount. If you visit all three areas, you’ll unlock 33 chests without using any keys, and chests respawn about an hour after you open them, allowing you to repeat routes.

I’ve tried all these routes myself, and here are the items I found. Below this list, I’ll give you a step-by-step guide for each farming route in these areas.

  • Sapphire (guaranteed)
  • Skill Fruits
  • Pendants
  • High Grade Technical Manuals (free Technology Points)
  • Heat Resistant Undershirt
  • Uncommon and Rare Schematics
    • Handgun
    • Metal Armor
    • Heat Resistant Metal Armor
    • Metal Helm

The best chest farming routes in Palworld

1) South Wildlife Sanctuary (90, -724)

This chest farming route in Palworld is super easy to reach and great for beginners. It’s right south of the Plateau of Beginnings, where the game starts. You just need any flying or swimming Pal to cross the sea to this spot. I suggest using a flying pal like Nitewing, especially if you’re new. You’ll have to climb a bit to collect all the chests.

Start your route at the Wildlife Sanctuary in the south, at the point marked 1 on the map (around 90, -699). Make a left circle through the main area, covering all three levels of the land. After you hit the sixth spot, move to the outer ring, beginning at spot 7 (149, -733). Keep going until you reach spot 12. That’s where you wrap up your chest farming.

2) North Wildlife Sanctuary chest farming route (666, 635)

The Wildlife Sanctuary far up north, near the Desert biome, is another excellent spot for quick chest farming in Palworld. The main challenge is getting there since it’s in the end-game area, and you might need gear that resists heat.

For chest farming, follow the same pattern as the first Wildlife area. Start at the inner ring at spot 1 (coordinates 673, 610), but this time, go right, making sure to check all three land levels for chests. After finishing, head to spot 7 (coordinates 611, 624) and collect chests in the outer ring until you reach spot 11.

3) West Wildlife Sanctuary chest farming route (-673, -114)

Among the Wildlife Sanctuary routes in Palworld, the West route is the least optimal, but it’s still a good choice with 10 chests in one spot. Like the others, it has an inner and outer ring. If you’re coming from the Volcano fast travel point to the south, it’s easier to start with the outer ring. Begin at spot 1 (coordinates -663, -165) and make a circle west until you hit spot 5 at -633, -80. Then, switch to the inner circle, exploring all the land to find the remaining chests until you collect the 10th chest.

While chest farming, consider also hunting for Legendary Schematics. They might take some time to find, but it’s a productive way to spend time between chest respawns.

Are dungeon farming routes worth it?

Dungeon chests—those obtained after defeating a boss—contain valuable drops, some of which you can’t find anywhere else. These chests may drop Schematics, Tech Manuals, and various other goodies. However, you should know some facts about dungeon farming before you jump into it.

Firstly, not all chests in a dungeon will have unique rewards. In fact, only the final chest will be special—the rest of the dungeon will be populated by regular chests that are in no way different from those you can find in the overworld.

Second, the exact loot you’ll get is directly tied to the level. In other words, a particular dungeon chest could have insanely valuable drops, but you might not be able to get it due to the increased difficulty.

With all that being said, let’s look at the overview of dungeon chests in Palworld:

  • Early to mid (level 1-29): The easiest dungeons to clear, but don’t yield very valuable loot.
  • Mid to late (level 30-40): Located in the north of the map and deserts, these dungeons are market with flowering cactuses.
  • Late game (level 40+): The dungeons can be found in the snow-covered mountains in the north and are identifiable by white trees and blue ice crystals at the entrance.
Image of Bhernardo Viana
Bhernardo Viana
Bhernardo is senior guides writer and strategist at Dot Esports. He's been working in the gaming industry for over 9 years, with works published on Destructoid, Prima Games, ESPN, and more. A fan of Pokémon since 6 years old and an avid Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch player. Now writing strategy and quests guides for several mobile and PC titles.