How to get Innovative Technical Manual in Palworld

A tome of secret techniques.

A screenshot of a player standing by a dungeon's exit portal in Palworld.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

Technology Points are pretty much Palworld‘s version of skill points, with Technology Points being automatically earned every time you level up. This made me immediately wonder if there is a finite number of Technology Points available, and if I need to be extra careful when choosing what to unlock.

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I’m glad to say this is not the case. Thanks to Technical Manuals, you can theoretically unlock an infinite number of Technology Points. There are a few different kinds of Technical Manuals in Palworld, but they’re all essentially just different tiers of the same item. There is the Technical Manual, the High-Grade Technical Manual, and, finally, the Innovative Technical Manual. Getting your hands on any Technical Manual is a bit tricky, and the Innovative one is especially elusive.

What is an Innovative Technical Manual in Palworld?

A screenshot of an Innovative Technical Manual in a Palworld player's inventor.
Don’t mind if I do. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Technical Manuals seem to me like they may just be the absolute rarest drop in this game—even more so than Schematics. That checks out too because they give you free Technology Points when read and consumed. While the Uncommon High-Grade Technical Manual gives you one Technology Point when read, the harder-to-find Innovative Technical Manual gives you three Technology Points.

An in game screenshot of a Technical Manual being used by a player in Palworld.
High Grade is lower grade than Innovative I guess. Screenshot by Dot Esports

There are a few different ways you can get your hands on an Innovative Technical Manual, but heads up—the scarceness of this item definitely lines up with its power. There are a few different Pals that can drop an Innovative Technical Manual, and I’ve found that a certain region of the map seems to produce it from chests more often. Neither the Pals that can drop it nor the dungeons that may contain it are beginner-friendly, however. If you’re under level 25, you should probably stick to going after High-Grade Technical Manuals for the time being.

Where to get Innovative Technical Manuals in Palworld

The primary way to get an Innovative Technical Manual in Palworld is by catching or killing the right Pals. There are a couple of Pals that can drop this item:

It’s possible that more Pals than these three can drop an Innovative Technical Manual, but I haven’t found any proof of that so far. The drop rate for the item seems extremely low—I would guess around five percent—so be prepared to need some serious grinding or luck if you’re actively going after a Manual.

A player in Palworld firing arrows at an Alpha Anubis.
Bring lots of ammo. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The other best way to get Innovative Technical Manuals is from chests. They theoretically can be found in any chest, but the easiest and quickest way to find chests containing more rare items such as this is by clearing dungeons. Every dungeon in Palworld contains two chests next to its Exit Portal, and these chests often contain either Schematics or Technical Manuals. In both cases, the higher a dungeon’s level, the better the chances of getting a rare version of these items. This means you aren’t very likely to get an Innovative Technical Manual from any of the dungeons in or near the Plateau of Beginnings island—you need to venture off to dangerous lands for that.

The place I’ve seen yield Innovative Technical Manuals most often so far is the snowy biome on the north of the map—check out the full Palworld map if you’d like to see exactly how you can reach this biome. If you’d rather make a bit of an adventure of it, heading generally north will always eventually do the trick.

In the same way that the Pals who drop Innovative Technical Manuals aren’t very likely to do so, even these higher-level dungeons aren’t a sure thing. Don’t expect to get an Innovative Technical Manual from each dungeon you clear up north—you’ll likely see around a 20 to 25 percent drop rate from chests at the end of dungeons. The silver lining is that the other 75 percent of drops should still be useful and rare items.

Image of Pierce Bunch
Pierce Bunch
Freelance writer and jack-of-all-games.