Does Palworld have co-op multiplayer?

Gotta shoot them all together.

A Mammorest in Palworld attacking with its trunk raised.
Image via Pocketpair

If you want to play Palworld with friends, you may be wondering if it has co-op multiplayer.

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Pocketpair’s highly-anticipated title is on the horizon, with Palworld set to launch across Xbox platforms and Steam on Jan. 19, 2024, and the game has already seen inevitable comparisons between Palworld and Pokémon.

The Pokémon series took a long time to fully embrace co-op, however, so you may be wondering whether Palworld has learned from that lesson—and we have the answer.

How to play Palworld with friends

Palword has co-op multiplayer options, making it quick and easy to play with friends. According to Palworld‘s Steam page, up to four players will be able to play together online in a multiplayer world.

On Steam, there is also the option to play on a dedicated server with a maximum of 32 players—but Xbox players and those playing through Xbox on PC will not have that particular feature.

Four players roam the skies together in Palworld on the back of Pals.
Fly together, catch Pals together, do crimes together. Image via Pocketpair

You won’t be able to use the same character on more than one server, however. According to developer Pocketpair, characters are bound to the world when created, and you can only use the same character if you are the host of a private co-op server, switching from single-player to host.

Your friends joining the multiplayer session won’t be able to do the same and will have to create one character for multiplayer and a different one for single-player. The studio does plan to provide a server and save transfer feature after launch, though—but on Xbox, this all depends on whether servers eventually make their way to the platform.

Dedicated servers on Steam will also allow players to create guilds. The developer has already said it intends to increase the maximum number of players allowed, though specifics on that are to be confirmed at a later date.

Does Palworld have couch co-op?

No, Palworld doesn’t have couch co-op, meaning you can’t play local co-op with friends on the same system. That doesn’t mean you can’t take turns playing—if you don’t mind sharing a playthrough.

Does Palworld have PvP?

No, Palworld does not have PvP. At launch, players will only be able to play together in PvE mode, although a PvP option is planned and is currently being tested internally, with further updates on the feature to follow.

There will still be plenty to do alongside friends and other players, however, with Lucky Pals to hunt for and Alpha Pals to battle. You’ll also need to build and survive the harsh environments on Palpagos Island.

News on the introduction of PvP to Palworld may be shared shortly after launch as part of a year-one roadmap for the title.

Image of Nádia Linhares
Nádia Linhares
Nádia is a Brazilian freelance writer who works for Dot since 2020. She has covered everything from Pokémon to FIFA. Video games are an essential part of her life, especially indie games and RPGs. You can catch her playing Overwatch in her spare time, but she writes better than she aims.
Image of Josh Challies
Josh Challies
Staff Writer. Professional writer since 2014. Pokemon, Marvel, Star Wars and overall geek. Previously wrote for Yahoo Sport, Stats Perform and online news publications.