Best Pals for Gathering in Palworld

You hunt, they gather.

Tanzee plating seeds in Palworld.
Screenshot by Dot Esports via Pocketpair on YouTube

Regardless of the game, Gathering is an essential task as you gain necessary resources, and in Palworld, there are Pals who are skilled at Gathering. These Pals will have the Gathering work suitability and different proficiencies, meaning specific Pals are better at Gathering than others at different stages.

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Palworld: Best Pals for Gathering

The best Pals for Gathering at the early, middle, and late game stages in Palworld include the following:

  • Best late game: Jetragon: Level three Gathering: As Jetragon only has a level three Gathering work suitability, this is the only task it will focus on, which means it won’t get distracted by other jobs. However, it won’t have anything left to do once it’s finished Gathering.
  • Best versatile endgame: Verdash: Level three Gathering. Verdash is the all-rounder we need on our team as they can help with Gathering, and they have level three Handiwork and level two Planting, Lumbering, and Transporting. So, when it’s finished Gathering, it can assist with other jobs around the base.
  • Best mid game: Petallia: Level two Gathering. Petallia is only a few paces north of the Ancient Ritual Site waypoint, meaning it’s close to the starting zone and the best Pal to help you transition into faster Gathering production. It also has other work suitabilities, such as level three Planting, level two Handiwork and Medicine Production, and level one Transportation. It’s versatile, pretty easy to capture, and will significantly help your base.
    • If you haven’t found a Petallia, you can also capture and use Robinquill (I found one near the Hypocrite Hill waypoint), as it also has a level two Gathering, Handiwork and Transport, and level one Planting, Lumbering, and Medicine Production.
  • Best early game: Tanzee: Level one Gathering. Like Verdash, Tanzee has work suitabilities in Planting, Handiwork, Gathering, Lumbering, and Transporting, albeit it’s only a level one proficiency. But as you can get this Pal early on, it can be an excellent little worker at your camp.
    • If you’re just starting or haven’t seen a Tanzee, you can also capture a Cattiva, as it has level-one work suitabilities in Handiwork, Gathering, Mining, and Transporting.

If you need help harvesting your crops, these are the best Gathering Pals to assign to your base from the early game to the lategame in Palworld.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.