How to fix Twitch Drops not working in Nightingale

Are you having troubles getting your Twitch rewards?

An in game image of a character from Nightingale
Image via Inflexion Games

Twitch Drops can be tricky to work, especially if you’re trying to redeem them for Nightingale. You need to make sure you’re watching select streams to earn your rewards, but even then, there are problems you might face.

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There are a few ways you can go about this approach. Thankfully, we have some tips to help you out and make things a bit easier for you, especially because you only have 24 hours to redeem the rewards. Here’s what you need to know about how to fix Twitch Drops not working for Nightingale.

How to get Twitch Drops working for Nightingale

For your Twitch Drops to work with Nightingale, you first need to make sure you link your Steam or Epic Games Store account by starting the game at least once. If you have not started the game yet, this might be the problem you’re encountering, thus preventing you from getting your Twitch Drops from your account.

Logging into the game once before you start earning Twitch Drop rewards might be a step several players have issues with. This prevents any rewards you earn from watching Streamers from going over into your Nightingale game. After logging in for the first time, you can close out of Nightingale and begin watching Streamers on Twitch. While watching Steamers, check underneath the “Twitch drops” tag to see if they offer rewards.

After you’ve logged into the game, the next step is to watch any Streamers available to provide you with Twitch Drops. You can check every item you can earn from the Twitch Drops rewards for Nightingale here. There are four rewards you can earn throughout the campaign.

After watching the steamer for the required time, the rewards should appear in your Twitch Drops Inventory. Now, the final stop is for you to return to Nightingale and start playing the game. You should be able to track down the in-game menu for Systems, and they should appear under the Rewards section.

The Twitch Drops campaign for Nightingale is live and goes until Feb. 27. You have a whole week to try grabbing all the rewards, giving you plenty of time to unlock each one. If you encounter further issues with attempting to connect your Twitch account to your Steam or Epic Games Store page, I recommend viewing the settings of your Twitch profile to see if you have them connected. The rewards won’t transfer over to Nightingale if they’re not hooked up to your Twitch page.

Image of Zack Palm
Zack Palm
Zack Palm has been writing about video games for the past five years. He spends his free time trying to learn about a new board, reading high-fantasy series, or working on his latest DnD character.