
XQc eligible to play in the Overwatch World Cup following in-game suspension

XQc was suspended for 15 days for abusive chat.

Photo via Blizzard Entertainment

Former Dallas Fuel tank player Félix “xQc” Lengyel will participate in the Overwatch World Cup group stage in Burbank, California in September after getting a 15-day Overwatch ban last week.

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XQc was issued a 15-day Overwatch ban while streaming on Twitch over the weekend. After leaving a match, a screen popped up to notify the player that he’d been suspended. XQc later pulled up an email that explained multiple players had reported him for “abusive language.” He’s received a “formal warning,” an Overwatch World Cup spokesperson told Dot Esports. “Given that his suspension for this infraction ends on Aug. 26, he will be eligible to play for the Canadian national team at the Overwatch World Cup Los Angeles group stage,” the spokesperson added.

Related: Former Dallas Fuel player xQc’s Overwatch account has been suspended

The former Overwatch League professional has responded to the ban, writing on Twitter that it was not his intention to “harass or use in-game chat in an abusive manner.”

“Banter is fun and 100 percent of the time I type something to someone I know they are playing along and won’t be hurt,” xQc wrote. “If I ever typed something and you were hurt, I am sorry. I will be better.”

XQc’s ban was issued on Aug. 11. The suspension will be lifted by the time his Overwatch World Cup group stage matches start on Sept. 7. The World Cup’s Incheon group stage began on Aug. 17, however. Blizzard’s Overwatch World Cup rules state that player accounts must be in “good standing” to participate in the event.

Team Canada head coach Justin “Jayne” Conroy tweeted after the incident that Team Canada is not making any “internal changes or roster adjustments” just yet. “I’m going to assume that xQc’s ban is temporary and account-based, and will not affect his chances of playing for Team Canada,” he wrote.

XQc’s inclusion on the Canadian Overwatch World Cup team was controversial from the start. After being named the Overwatch World Cup MVP by fans at last year’s event, the player went on to join and be released from Dallas Fuel. Before being dropped from the team, XQc was fined and suspended from league play for using an emote “in a racially disparaging manner” and for using “disparaging language” against Overwatch League’s casting team. He was also suspended and fined in January for making homophobic comments about the Overwatch League’s only openly gay player. Dallas Fuel suspended the tank player for the rest of the first stage.