Ninja and Dakotaz are competing to see who can post the best Fortnite sniper kills on Twitter

It's just some friendly competition.

Image via Epic Games

Popular streamers Tyler “Ninja” Blevins and Dakotaz have started a friendly competition that involves posting highlight reel Fortnite snipes on Twitter.

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It began when Dakotaz posted a clip from a recent stream of a quick snipe headshot from far away. Ninja responded a few hours later with a clip of his own, one-upping his fellow Fortnite streamer.

Dakotaz’s original video was a direct challenge to Ninja, since he tagged him in the post and said that it’s “his move.” His snipe was from 68 meters away and the player was in the middle of gliding, making it even more impressive. But Ninja wasn’t going to back down from a challenge, posting his own clip in response.

“Saw Dakotaz snipe this morning… had to get that 209 pump and a snipe to raise the ante,” Ninja tweeted. While building, Ninja sniped a player who was in the middle of gliding far away. The only difference is his kill was from much farther away at 153 meters.

Ninja had to consider the account of time it’d take for the bullet to travel that distance, aiming ahead of the player where he expected them to glide. And it worked.

It’s possible that this friendly competition on Twitter will continue if Dakotaz is able to up Ninja’s rather-impressive display of sniping skill. But where did this competition come from all of a sudden?

Well, it’s possible that Dakotaz challenged Ninja, specifically, because of a recent retweet Ninja made. He retweeted a tweet from a year ago where he posted a clip of his “most insane” snipe headshots in a row. The clip shows him get seven headshots in less than two minutes. It’s possible that this friendly competition sprung up because of this clip.
