MTG Ikoria Draft rankings for White commons and uncommons

White decks in Ikoria draft will have a lot of removal and synergy to work with.

Flourishing Fox Art Magic Ikoria Lair of Behemoths
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths is about to hit (digital) shelves everywhere with its release in Magic Arena on Thursday, April 16. And with developer Wizards of the Coast confirming that you’ll be able to draft against other players with the set’s release, evaluating the new cards is more important than ever.

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Here are our rankings for White’s new commons and uncommons.

10) Swallow Whole (2.5/5)

Swallow Whole Magic Ikoria Lair of Behemoths
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Swallow Whole has a lot going on and a ton of setup if you want to get value out of it. But if you’re able to pull it off, this is definitely one of the best removal options in White. A one-mana spell that exiles something from your opponent and grows something of your own is a great way to swing the game in your favor.

9) Patagia Tiger (2.75/5)

Patagia Tiger Magic Ikoria Lair of Behemoths
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Ikoria is weird, so it makes sense that flying cats are a thing. This is a solid mid-game play that can help stabilize the board while potentially enabling an attack when it hits the battlefield. With a little work, this can also double as a win condition, so don’t be stingy with this feline.

8) Coordinated Charge (2.75/5)

Coordinated Charge Magic Ikoria Lair of Behemoths
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

White has a strong “go-wide” subtheme, especially in the Humans deck. This spell is a great way to crush your opponent after blocks are declared. The cycling ability serves as an excellent safety valve to this situational spell. Feel free to run two of these, but you should only need one to win.

7) Splendor Mare (3/5)

Splendor Mare Magic Ikoria Lair of Behemoths
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

The flexibility on this card is where it gets its power. As a 3/3 lifelink creature, it can help bog down the ground while you set up a win in the air. Alternatively, you can cast it for its cycling cost to draw a card and give something evasive (like Patagia Tiger) lifelink, making your airforce that much harder to deal with.

6) Valiant Rescuer (3/5)

Valiant Rescuer Magic Ikoria Lair of Behemoths
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

In the right deck, Valiant Rescuer is a monster. Set this guy up with tons of cycling and watch as your cantrips turn into a gigantic army. This is the exact setup card for a number of payoffs in the Humans deck, including Coordinated Charge. Draft as many of these as you can if cycling is your strategy.

5) Divine Arrow (3/5)

Divine Arrow Magic Ikoria Lair of Behemoths
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Divine Arrow is going to put in serious work this season. At instant speed, this is the perfect way to mess with combat. Four damage is the sweet spot here—all but the biggest creatures start with four toughness. Just make sure not to rely on this outside of combat.

4) Vulpikeet (3.25/5)

Vulpikeet Magic Ikoria Lair of Behemoths
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Apparently, Fox Birds are powerful because this creature is a badass with wings. Ideally, you’ll mutate this onto a one- or two-drop and you’ll get a flying creature that can attack immediately, as well as the +1/+1 counter. Give it another mutation—Majestic Auracorn, for example—and you’ll basically have the game over.

3) Blade Banish (3.25/5)

Blade Banish Magic Ikoria Lair of Behemoths
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Simple, efficient, and instant-speed. This card can’t kill everything, but in a monster world, it’s hard not to imagine that this will find something and then blast it into smithereens.

2) Fight as One (3.75/5)

Fight as One Magic Ikoria Lair of Behemoths
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

For the most part, this is a simple one-for-one to get around a damage spell or to kill something in combat. But for no extra cost, you can try to set up both modes, giving you a clean two-for-one or more. This card is definitely worth the work and we expect it to be a high draft pick.

1) Pacifism (3.75/5)

Pacifism Magic Ikoria Lair of Behemoths
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Pacifism is one of those reprints that you just love to see. It’s almost always a top draft pick for White decks—and this is no exception. In fact, with the mutate mechanic pushing players to combine creatures, Pacifism can often pull double duty and take out the entire stack. Combined with its cheap cost, it’s easy to see why this card is our No. 1 draft pick.

Ranking the rest

  1. Checkpoint Officer (2.5/5)
  2. Huntmaster Liger (2.5/5)
  3. Snare Tactician (2.5/5)
  4. Will of the All-Hunter (2.5/5)
  5. Helica Glider (2.5/5)
  6. Daysquad Marshall (2.25/5)
  7. Fluorishing Fox (2.25/5)
  8. Majestic Auracorn (2.25/5)
  9. Drannith Healer (2.25/5)
  10. Perimeter Sergeant (2/5)
  11. Keensight Mentor (2/5)
  12. Solid Footing (2/5)
  13. Spontaneous Flight (2/5)
  14. Light of Hope (2/5)
  15. Garrison Cat (1.75/5)
  16. Savai Sabertooth (1.75/5)
  17. Stormwild Capridor (1.75/5)
  18. Maned Serval (1.5/5)
  19. Sanctuary Lockdown (1.5/5)
  20. Imposing Vantasaur (1.25/5)