Is New World worth playing in 2023

It's a new day for New World.

New World promotional art
Image via Amazon Games

The idea of an MMO is to have a long shelf life and while games like World of Warcraft have managed to stay afloat for decades, others we’ve seen crash and burn in just a matter of months. So you’re probably wondering, which one of these does New World land in?

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New World launched in 2021 and had a massive player base on arrival. It’s no secret this number fizzled drastically in the months that followed and it never recovered. Well, with the first DLC now here many are taking a look at the game once again.

So, what happened to New World? Is the game better than it was and should you jump back into Aeternum and play? Well, the answer isn’t so simple, but we can give you a strong idea of whether or not it’s right for you.

What New World looks like in 2023

New World character stood next to wolf
New World now has mounts. Image via Amazon Games

The truth is there’s been no better time to play New World than in 2023, but it still doesn’t live up to the full potential players were expecting at launch.

The best parts about New World now are the changes made to the game’s progression system. At launch, leveling was a chore slowed by a lack of content and minimal XP rewards. Well, thanks to plenty of updates, leveling is a lot faster now meaning you don’t have to grind so hard to reach 60.

Similarly, getting around in New World at launch was a big issue. Using fast travel required Azoth and the cost used to be extremely high. Now it’s much lower, and as of the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion, mounts are another quick way to get across the map.

New World characters approach a glowing blue tree.
Four players team together despite factions. Image via Amazon Games

One portion that has suffered over the years is the faction system. Given there are substantially fewer people than at launch, this system seems to have been pushed way into the back, and taking territories just doesn’t have the same luster.

Of course, what you are probably all wondering about is the content in the game. Thanks to multiple major updates and now its first DLC, there is a lot more to do in New World, however, it still doesn’t feel like it has a thriving endgame.

Unless you’re interested in PvP or simply running the same expeditions multiple times for gear you’re probably not going to find much enjoyment in New World after you finish The Angry Earth.

New World characters fighting PvP
New World is great for new players in 2023. Image via Amazon Game Studios

Verdict: Should you play New World in 2023?

If you’re someone who has never played New World before then there is going to be a lot of fun to have here. For somebody like this, yes, it is worth playing New World in 2023, however, if you’re someone who was burnt out on New World after reaching the max level at launch, naturally you’ll get less out of coming back.

I loved New World when it launched despite its many flaws, and returning years later for Rise of the Angry Earth expansion was a lot of fun and something I’d recommend for anybody with a similar experience.

If you didn’t jive with New World initially, don’t expect anything different in 2023.

Image of Ryan Galloway
Ryan Galloway
Ryan is a Senior Staff Writer for Dot Esports who has been working at GAMURS since 2020. He covers a wide variety of titles from across the gaming space, with a focus on Pokémon. He boasts a degree in Journalism from Murdoch University. Email: