5 best Minecraft 1.20 speed run seeds

A speedy guide for a speed run.

Ender Dragon Minecraft
Image via Mojang Studios

Gamers looking to speedrun Minecraft 1.20, look no further; we’ve collated the best speed-run seeds and once you’ve finished reading, you’ll be done in no time.

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Players who love to complete games with the added buzzer-beating suspense have taken over several games. Many games I thought I finished in speedy fashion have been overtaken by someone finishing it in less than half the time, and easily.

For you speed runners, you’ll be doing the dance of death with Blazes and taking on the Ender Dragon faster than you can blink. But for those who haven’t even used a Minecraft seed, we have one step to complete.

How to use a seed in Minecraft 1.20

Using a seed in Minecraft 1.20 is a simple process. You’ll be able to get some of the best maps ever created in Minecraft and some that are tailored to a specific experience. 

To use a seed in Minecraft, you have to boot it up. Then click “Single Player” and locate “Create New World. Find “World” up the top of your screen and once you’ve clicked it, a text box will be in the middle of your screen. From there, copy and paste one of the seeds below into the box.

Best Minecraft 1.20 Speedrun seeds

Minecraft Village
Villages can be a key location to find at the start of your speedrun. Image via Mojang Studios
  1. 7306815763343810136

This is the seed to end all seeds. You’ll spawn by the water, and you’ll head directly south towards the village over the hills. Head to these coordinates 345, 131, 1274, and dig down. As far as you can until you reach the End Portal. Believe it or not, it’ll already be lit. You’ll be able to head straight to the Ender Dragon and take it on.

  1. 125568173 (Java) 

Once you spawn in this seed, you’ll be able to venture pretty much anywhere to find a village. You’ll be able to stock up on resources with ease. This means you’ll be able to get all the food required for your adventure. You’ll be able to find the Stronghold at coordinates -1964, -956.

  1. 3493881669000591853

This seed will spawn you near a village with enough obsidian to make a small Nether portal easily. Head to coordinates 50, -250 and locate a blacksmith to find the chest with all the obsidian inside. 

From there, you’ll make your portal, and head to coordinates 50, -300 to find the Nether Fortress. Once you’ve got all the resources you need from the Fortress, head to -1600, -450 to find the closest Stronghold. 

Once you’ve made it to the End portal at coordinates -1575, 20, -385, it’ll have two eyes in place. 

  1. 569919664172379455

As you spawn, get your coordinates ready and locate 264, 248. You’ll find a village here with all the resources you desire. You’ll be able to find obsidian in some of the various chests, and enough equipment to quickly duck down to the depths to mine it.

From there head to coordinates 43, 27 in the Nether Realm to find the Nether Fortress. Kill all the enemies you need and then head to 1261, 97 to find the End portal you’ll have to locate 1261, 97. Then kill the Ender Dragon and you’ll be done. 

  1. 8625932958214206392

Fortunately for you speedrunners, you’ll spawn right next to a ruined portal. Thus cutting down your obsidian harvesting time. Take note of your coordinates and head to 300, -500 to find the closest village. From there you’ll head back to your portal and go through the teleporter. Then you’ll go to the Nether Fortress at -100, -250. The stronghold will be at -2000, 50 only leaving the End Portal remaining. 

To find the End Portal, go to coordinates -1935, 35, 55.

Harrison Thomas
CS:GO, Overwatch, and Valorant Staff Writer - Played CS:GO since 2012 and keep a close eye on other titles. Give me a game and I'll write about it. Ranks are private information. Contact harry@dotesports.com