Teamfight Tactics Origins and Classes cheat sheet

This should help you get started.

Image via Riot games

League of Legends’ new game mode, Teamfight Tactics, is now available to test on the Public Beta Environment (PBE). If you’re clueless how to play, and want to have a better understanding of what each champion does, look no further.

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There are 50 champions that come under the category of Origin and Class. You can pick and choose them to create different compositions that will help to bolster up your army. It’s early days, and the metagame is still anyone’s guess, but this cheat sheet should help get you started.



30 percent (2), 50 percent (4), 70 percent (6), on hit to burn all target’s current mana, dealing true damage equal to mana burned.

Varus (2), Elise (2), Morgana (3), Evelynn (3), Aatrox (3), Brand (4), Swain (5).


Dragons are immune to Magic Damage (2).

Shyvana (3), Aurelion Sol (4).


Exiles start combat with a shield equal to 100 percent max HP when placed adjacent to NO other units (2).

Yasuo (5).


25 percent (2), 35 percent (4), 45 percent (6) on hit to stun for 2 seconds.

Braum (2), Lissandra (2), Ashe (3), Volibear (3), Sejuani (4), Anivia (5).


Robots start combat with full mana (1).

Blitzcrank (2).


Double damage for one (2), all (4) Imperials.

Darius (1), Katarina (3), Draven (4), Swain (5).


+100 Armor and heal 35 on hit for random all (3), team (6).

Fiora (1), Garen (1), Vayne (1), Lucian (2), Leona (4), Kayle (5).


Exactly (1): +40 percent attack damage for your Ninjas.

Exactly (4): +60 percent attack damage to your Ninjas.

Shen (2), Zed (2), Kennen (3), Akali (4).


You earn up to 4 additional gold from each PVP round (3).

Graves (1), Pyke (2), Gangplank (3), Miss Fortune (5).


Curse an enemy at the start of combat, setting their HP to 100 (2).

Mordekaiser (1), Kindred (4), Karthus (5).


Each unit’s attacks give them Fury (5 stack cap). Stacks give 8 percent attack speed. For Wild (2) for team (4).

Warwick (1), Nidalee (1), Ahri (2), Rengar (3), Gnar (4).


Your team’s attacks ignore 50 percent of enemy Armor (3).

Kha’Zix (1), Kassadin (1) Rek’Sai (2), Cho’Gath (4).


Attacks against your Yordles have a 20 percent (3), 50 percent (6) chance to miss

Tristana (1), Lulu (2), Poppy (3), Veigar (3), Kennen (3), Gnar (4).



+150 percent (3), 350 percent (6) crit damage for Assassins.

Kha’Zix (1), Pyke (2), Zed (2), Katarina (3), Evelynn (3), Rengar (3), Akali (4).


35 percent chance on hit for Blademasters to attack one 93), two (6) extra times.

Fiora (1), Shen (2), Aatrox (3), Gangplank (3), Draven (4), Yasuo (5).


+300 (2), +700 (4) health to Brawlers.

Warwick (1), Rek’Sai (2), Blitzcrank (2), Volibear (3), Cho’Gath (4).


Each combat, summon an Elemental (3).

Lissandra (2), Kennen (3), Brand (4), Anivia (5).


+30 Armor to Guardians and allies that start combat adjacent to them (2).

Braum (2), Leona (4).


50 percent chance on attack to attack one additional (2), all (4) targets in range.

Graves (1), Tristana (1), Lucian (2), Gankplank (3), Miss Fortune (5).


Knight’s block 20 (2), 40 (4), 80 (6) damage from basic attacks.

Darius (1), Garen (1), Mordekaiser (1), Poppy (3), Sejuani (4), Kayle (5).


Every 3 seconds, Rangers have a 25 percent (2), 65 percent (4) chance to double their attack speed for 3 seconds.

Vayne (1), Varus (2), Ashe (3), Kindred (4)


On transform gain 100 percent max HP (3).

Nidalee (1), Elise (2), Shyvana (3), Gnar (4), Swain (5).


+35 AP (3), +100 AP (6) to Team.

Kassadin (1), Ahri (2), Lulu (2), Morgana (3), Veigar (3), Aurelion Sol (5).

This list was made by League of Legends personality, William “Scarra” Li.

Image of Jerome Heath
Jerome Heath
Senior editor at Dot Esports. Jerome has been in and around the gaming industry for the last eight years, and he's not going anywhere anytime soon.