Riot to improve ranked climb consistency in League, addressing issues of LP gain

A more balanced experience in ranked for everyone

Emerald Taric from League of Legends prays while healing a tree root.
Image via Riot Games

In the recent dev blog, Riot Games’ League of Legends team addressed the adjustments coming to the game to enhance the ranked experience for players, with a focus on LP gain and the wider system.

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According to Riot, roughly 50 percent of Emerald players experienced extended periods of negative LP gains last season. The issue was extended to 85 percent of players ranking Masters and above. However, this has now been fixed, and this metric dropped to only 5 percent of players. “For players below Emerald there’s always going to be some periods of negative LP gains for short periods of times,” said Matthew “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, League‘s lead designer. “But [the League team] will continue to minimize it by adjusting those gains and losses.”

Additionally, the League team has addressed concerns surrounding “legitimate new players” being placed in Gold or Platinum divisions. Most new players are usually not that skilled, and they would usually place in ranks closer to Iron or Bronze. Placing them in higher divisions at the start often resulted in an unpleasant gameplay experience for both new and seasoned players.

Bug fixes have been implemented to rectify this issue, ensuring that new players are appropriately placed based on their skill level and experience. The team is also actively working on enhancing their system’s ability to differentiate between smurf accounts and genuine newcomers, which is crucial in maintaining the competitive integrity of ranked play.

The climb experience, a critical aspect of players’ ranked journey, has undergone multiple targeted improvements in the initial months of season 14. Following “some fixes,” the League team said climbs should “feel more consistent” this season.

This adjustment aims to create a smoother progression experience for players, minimizing the frustrating inconsistencies that may have hindered their ranked journeys in the past.

Image of Cecilia Ciocchetti
Cecilia Ciocchetti
Freelance writer mainly focusing on the League of Legends and VALORANT esports scenes. Sometimes at events interviewing professionals of the scene, from players to the talented people working behind the curtains. You can reach out to me via Twitter.