Riot is kicking off a partnership program with League content creators

This is a big step for League's content creation community.

Image via Riot Games

Riot Games is starting a brand new partnership program with video-based content creators for its game, League of Legends, according to the company’s announcement today.

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This content creation project, called the League of Legends Partner Program, is in early access as of today, and creators can already apply to join and gain access to new resources and rewards.

The only immediate reward is a skin, which is really the only type of immediate reward you can get in League aside from free champions. Upon approval into the program, you’ll be gifted a chroma for Divine Sword Irelia, and you’ll receive the skin itself for free if you don’t own it already. You’ll also be given access to a new chroma to give away to your audience. Your giveaway chroma will change every couple of patch cycles.

The more important part of the program, by far, is the increased potential for growth. As an approved member, you’ll have access to partner-exclusive live chats with the devs, as well as Q&As. Riot will also feature partners on its social media pages and other official channels, which will undoubtedly be a good opportunity for growth. Partners will also be invited to exclusive Riot events.

Aside from that, Riot plans to also coordinate with certain creators to reveal new projects, including champion updates and new champions, to the community.

Riot didn’t reveal when it has plans to fully push the program out of early access, or even what being in early access means in this case, but it did promise “more cool stuff” in the near future.

Image of Aaron Mickunas
Aaron Mickunas
Esports and gaming journalist for Dot Esports, featured at, Polygon, IGN, and