Here are the 5 champions with the lowest win rates in LoL Patch 14.12

Promise not to leave your match if you get one of these champions on your team.

A Yordle from League of Legends flying a UFO and dodging rockets.
Corki is finally getting the attention he deserves. Image via Riot Games

Keeping up with the metagame is a must if you’re looking to climb the League of Legends ranked ladder. While keeping tabs on the best champions in the game is crucial, looking out for the worst ones is important too.

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Knowing the worst-performing champions in League can be a double-edged sword. You’ll likely build a better champion pool by avoiding the underperformers, but it could also make you lose focus when someone on your team picks them.

Having a low win rate doesn’t specifically mean a champion is unplayable in League. They may simply be challenging mechanically, which has happened plenty of times in recent months. Here are the five worst champions in the game by their win rates in their standard roles according to U.GG.

Rengar’s win rate on League Patch 14.12: 45.05 percent

Rengar leaping forward.
Sorry Rengar, you’re just bad. Image via Riot Games

While champions like Gangplank and K’Sante are tough to learn and even tougher to master for casual players, some champs are just plain bad. This is the case with Rengar, who’s been sitting at the bottom of the jungle leaderboards for a couple of patches now.

Rengar has become arguably forgotten by the developer, who makes minor changes to the champion from time to time. These updates have hardly improved the jungler’s pick or win rate in the Summoner’s Rift, which currently sits at 45.05 percent. Rengar’s gameplay relies on assassinating squishy enemies in a matter of seconds, but his damage output currently isn’t enough to pose a real threat.

Corki’s win rate on League Patch 14.12: 45.06 percent

Corki speeding through the arcade world in League of Legends.
The Daring Bombardier isn’t faring so well. Image via Riot Games

A champion favored by the pro players, yet recording an atrocious win rate is Corki. The flying champ was one of the best picks at MSI 2024, but in the solo queue, he’s not doing so well, with a 45.06 percent win rate.

Corki’s kit is quite easy to get a hang of. However, players still need to land their skill shots, and more importantly, read the game well. The latter is pivotal due to Corki’s The Package. This ability grants him faster movement speed and an empowered Valkyrie cast, which is best used to divide the enemy team. But players must first learn to use it properly—newcomers often use it as a way to directly engage in combat, which is usually a terrible idea.

K’Sante’s win rate on League Patch 14.12: 45.20 percent

K'Sante holding his two melee weapons surrounded by butterflies in League of Legends.
Players are still struggling to utilize K’Sante despite a high pro pick rate. Image via Riot Games

K’Sante has seen direct buffs in Patch 14.10, where his E and base stats were adjusted. K’Sante has been a major pick in the pro meta for a few updates now. This champion was an essential top lane pick at the Mid-Season Invitational 2024, which was played on Patch 14.8.

But despite doing well in the competitive scene, casual players are still struggling to properly utilize K’Sante in their games. With a horrendous 44.31 percent win rate in the top lane, he’s the worst in his position.

Azir’s win rate on League Patch 14.12: 45.62 percent

Azir pointing his spear forward as he charges.
Image via Riot Games

Azir returns, lackluster again in solo queue. Similarly to other champs here, the mid laner is actually exceptional in the hands of skilled players. But, with his immense demand for mechanical prowess, he often loses both the early game and lategame.

The Emperor of Shurima not only requires a lot of skill, but a proper communication with the rest of your team is quite pivotal as well. In the end, Azir shines the most if he lands a perfect ultimate, and without a follow-up from the rest of his teammates, it will often be useless on its own.

Without enough survivability in early and mid-game and a lot of complexity to his kit, Azir has an abysmal 45.62 percent win rate in Patch 14.12.

Akali’s win rate on League Patch 14.12: 46.80 percent

Akali walking forward with her eyes glowing red.
Image via Riot Games

Speaking of tough champions, you should be hardly surprised to find Akali here. While she’s a fantastic assassin in the top lane, the role doesn’t favor champs like her.

Akali’s gameplay relies on getting ahead early and then flanking her enemies to inflict as much damage to enemy carries as possible. With a lot of bruisers and fighters straight up countering Akali she gets shut down pretty early, becoming practically useless. Skilled players should be able to get her working in certain matchups.

In Patch 14.12, Akali sits on a horrendous 46.80 percent win rate. But, surprisingly, she still has a 16.8 percent ban rate, meaning players still respect her potential.

Image of Mateusz Miter
Mateusz Miter
Freelance Writer at Dot Esports. Mateusz previously worked for numerous outlets and gaming-adjacent companies, including ESL. League of Legends or CS:GO? He loves them both. In fact, he wonders which game he loves more every day. He wanted to go pro years ago, but somewhere along the way decided journalism was the more sensible option—and he was right.