LoL players beg Riot to rethink how Ranked Penalty matches work

Riot needs a recall button for this one.

Renata Glasc holding out her hand towards a charmed person in League of Legends
Image via Riot Games

Just days into Riot Games’ new League of Legends anti-toxicity initiative, more casual players are begging the developers to make some quick changes.

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Toxicity in competitive matches and how to deal with it has been a topic of hot debate in League for as long as the game has existed. This month, Riot has made another move to try and curb the issue in ranked play, forcing repeat offenders to complete remedial non-ranked matches with “improved behavior” before they can return.

But after the most recent ranked game penalty hit the Rift in League Patch 13.19, players are begging Riot to reconsider—and the growing complaints aren’t actually coming from any of the penalized League players either.

Riot’s latest attempt to improve ranked games has made ARAM and normal Summoner’s Rift games unbearable, angry League players suggested on Sept. 28. This is because when a ranked player has been penalized by the new system, they are forced to play several matches in more casual lobbies before they can queue up ranked again.

As you can probably guess, those penalized are now running it down or taking out their ranked frustrations in ARAM and normal Rift games, to the point where everyone is getting tired of dealing with tilted players.

For many, ARAM is the mode where they can chill with friends and have fun without dealing with the stress of the Rift and tilted players. But that’s all changed because of Riot’s attempt at dealing with toxic players.

Players aren’t sure whether Riot should remove this feature, change it, ban them, or create a separate queue for penalized players, but all they know is something needs to be done.

Elsewhere, Riot has also cracked down on toxicity by changing pings and implementing chat disable features; both have been greeted with equal annoyance.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews is a staff writer for Dot Esports with a dual degree in business and human resource management. After discovering her passion for creative writing and gaming, she now writes about MOBAs, MMOs, and cozy games.