Here are the notes and updates for League of Legends Patch 11.8

Gwen is making her debut in Patch 11.8.

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League of Legends players will finally get the chance to snip and thread through their enemies with the game’s newest champion, Gwen, the Hallowed Seamstress, in Patch 11.8.

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But the patch has “something for everyone,” according to the developers, including a much-needed update to Rammus, which features a “mini visual” rework and a new ultimate that rewards players for “going fast.”

Changes to a wide range of champions like Aphelios, Lee Sin, and jungle Zed are also in the cards with buffs, nerfs, and adjustments catered to solo queue and pro play.

To top it all off, a few Mythic items have been adjusted in the patch, targeting enchanters. Moonstone Renewer is taking a hit from the nerf hammer and Staff of Flowing Water and Chemtech Putrifier are getting graced with buffs.

Patch 11.8 is expected to hit the live servers on Wednesday, April 14.

Here’s the full list notes and updates for the League Patch 11.8.


[New] Gwen

Passive – Thousand Cuts

  • Gwen’s basic attacks deal bonus on-hit magic damage based on a percentage of her enemies’ maximum health. Basic attacks against champions will heal her for some of the damage dealt.

Q – Snip Snip!

Gwen rapidly snips her scissors between two and six times, dealing magic damage in a cone. At a minimum, Gwen will snip twice, adding one snip per basic attack Gwen has landed on an enemy (up to four for a total of six).

W – Hallowed Mist

Gwen spins up the Hallowed Mist to surround her for five seconds, gaining some armor and magic resist when in it. Enemies outside the Mist cannot target Gwen or hit her with any abilities. The mist will move to follow Gwen the first time she tries to leave it but will dissipate the next time.

E – Skip ’n Slash

Gwen dashes a short distance and empowers her attacks with increased range, speed, and on-hit magic damage for four seconds. Attacking an enemy during this time refunds 50 percent of this ability’s cooldown.

R – Needlework

Gwen can cast Needlework up to three times but needs to hit an enemy within eight seconds to unlock each subsequent cast. Each cast fires needles in a line that deal magic damage, slow enemies, and apply Gwen’s Thousand Cuts bonus magic damage.

The first cast will fire one needle, the second will fire three, and the final cast will fire five, for a total of nine needles and nine applications of Thousand Cuts to enemies hit.


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W – Incinerate

  • Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 mana to 90/95/100/105/110 mana


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Passive – The Hitman and the Seer

  • Lethality: 3/6/9/12/15/18 to 3.5/7/10.5/14/17.5/21

R – Moonlight Vigil

  • Calibrum damage perk mark: 40/70/100 to 50/80/110
  • Severum healing: 250/375/500 to 275/400/525
  • Gravitum root duration: 1.25 seconds to 1.35 seconds
  • Infernum splash damage: 85 percent of initial damage to 90 percent of initial damage
  • Crescendum chakram refund: 4 additional (5 total) to 5 additional (6 total)


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E – Twin Fang

  • Cost: 50 mana to 50/48/46/44/42 mana

Dr. Mundo

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Passive – Adrenaline Rush

  • Max health regeneration: 1.5 percent to 2.5 percent

Q – Infected Cleaver

  • Capped damage against minions and monsters: 300/350/400/450/500 to 100/200/300/400/500
  • Health cost restore on enemy hit: 50 percent to 100 percent

E – Masochism

  • Flat bonus AD: 40/55/70/85/100 to 30/45/60/75/90
  • Max bonus AD: 60/90/120/150/180 to 50/80/110/140/170


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W – Hyper

  • Bonus movement speed: 30/45/60/75 percent, decaying over 3 seconds (based on R rank) to 20/40/60/80 percent, decaying over 3 seconds (based on R rank)


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Q – Sigil of Malice

  • Base damage: 55/80/105/130/155 to 65/90/115/140/165
  • Total damage: 110/160/210/260/310 to 130/180/230/280/330

Lee Sin

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E – Tempest

  • Cooldown: 10 seconds to eight seconds


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E – Command: Protect

  • Bonus resistances: 10/15/20/25/30 armor and magic resist to 6/12/18/24/30 armor and magic resist


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Q – Powerball

  • Base damage: 100/135/170/205/240 to 100/130/160/190/220

W – Defensive Ball Curl

  • [New] Basic attacks now extend the duration of Defensive Ball Curl by 0.4 seconds, up to a maximum of 4 additional seconds

E – Frenzying Taunt

  • Taunt duration: 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0/2.25 seconds to 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0 seconds

R – Soaring Slam

  • [Update] Rammus leaps into the air and slams down, dealing 100/175/250 (+0.6 AP) magic damage and slowing enemies by 15/17.5/20 percent for 1.5 seconds. Rammus generates aftershocks at the target location for four seconds, dealing 20/30/40 (+0.1 AP) magic damage and stacking the initial slow up to four times. Damage near the center is increased up to 150 percent damage based on the distance traveled. If Soaring Slam is cast while Rammus is in Powerball, enemies near the center are also knocked up and dealt Powerball’s collision damage, ending Powerball’s effect
  • Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds to 130/110/90 seconds


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Magic resist: 32 to 28

Magic resist growth: 1.25 to 0.75

Passive – Junkyard Titan

  • Overheating bonus damage: 25 to 110 (based on level) (+30 percent AP) to 10 to 50 (+6 percent of target’s maximum health) (+30 percent AP)
  • [New] While Overheated, Rumble gains 50 percent attack speed

E – Electro Harpoon

  • [New] Electro Harpoon now reduces the target’s magic resistance by 10 percent (15 percent when in the Danger Zone) for 4 seconds, stacking additively


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E – Flay

  • Cooldown: Nine seconds to 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds


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Q – Transfusion

  • Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds to 9/7.75/6.5/5.25/4 seconds


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Passive – Shepherd of Souls

  • Mist walker damage: 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/14/20/26/32/38/44/55/66/77/88/99 (+30 percent total AD) to 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/13/18/23/28/33/38/48/58/68/78/88 (+25 percent total AD)

E – Mourning Mist

  • Mist walker initial leap damage: 200 percent on first attack to 100 percent (normal damage) on first attack
  • [New] Marked targets take 40 percent increased damage from the next eight attacks by a Mist Walker

R – Eulogy of the Isles

  • Turret priority: Attacks the Maiden over melee and ranged minions to Attacks melee and ranged minions over the Maiden


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W – Unstable Matter

  • Damage: 25/40/55/70/85 (+4/5/6/7/8 percent of target’s maximum health) (+2 percent per 100 AP) to 35/50/65/80/95 (+4/5/6/7/8 percent of target’s maximum health) (+4 percent per 100 AP)

Jungle champion changes


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  • Passive – Hemorrhage monster damage bonus: 175 percent to 300 percent


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  • Passive – Darkness Rise capped damage against monsters: 28 to 164 (based on level) to 180 (at all levels)


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  • Passive – Contempt for the Weak on-target cooldown: Affects all targets once every 10 seconds to Applies to enemy champions once every 10 seconds (i.e. no longer affects minions and monsters)
  • Passive – Contempt for the Weak bonus damage against monsters: No longer deals increased damage by 100 percent against monsters
  • Passive – Contempt for the Weak capped damage against monsters: 200/350/500 (based on level) to 300, capped only for epic monsters (at all levels)


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  • W – Tortmented Shadow bonus damage against non-epic monsters: 150 percent to 200 percent


Moonstone Renewer

  • Starlit Grace heal: 50 to 100 (based on target’s level) to 60 (at all levels)
  • Starlit Grace heal amplification: Each second spent in combat increases the base heal by 12.5 percent, stacking up to four times, up to 50 percent to Each second spent in combat increases your healing and shielding power by 4 percent, stacking up to five times, up to 20 percent.

Shurelya’s Battlesong

  • Inspire damage empowerment: No longer empowers the next three instances of damage to deal an additional 35 to 55 magic damage.
  • [New] Passive – Motivate: Empowering or protecting another allied champion (excluding yourself) grants both allies 25 percent movement speed over 1.5 seconds.
  • Mythic passive: Three percent movement speed to five ability haste

Staff of Flowing Water

  • Rapids: Grants 15 percent bonus movement speed and 20 to 40 (based on target’s level) AP for three seconds to grants 20 ability haste and 20 to 40 AP for four seconds.

Frozen Heart

  • Armor: 70 to 80

Chemtech Putrifier

  • Ability power: 50 to 55
  • Puffcap toxin ally empowerment: Healing or shielding an allied champion (including yourself) empowers the ally’s next damage to an enemy champion with 60 percent Grievous Wounds for three seconds to Healing or shielding another allied champion (excluding yourself) empowers both the ally’s and your next damage to an enemy champion with 60 percent percent Grievous Wounds for three seconds
  • [Update] Tooltip consistency: To match Chemtech Putrifier, Ardent Censer’s tooltip has been updated to specify the requirement of another ally. Their functionality is entirely unchanged
  • [New] Items that apply Grievous Wounds will now be called out in chat to notify your team when purchased

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

  • Total cost: 900 gold to 950 gold

Hextech Rocketbelt

  • Health: 350 to 250
  • [New] Magic penetration: Six
  • Upgraded Aeropack (Ornn upgrade) health: 450 to 350
  • [New] Upgraded Areopack (Ornn upgrade) magic penetration: 10

Titanic Hydra

  • Colossus bonus AD: Equal to one percent maximum health to equal to two percent bonus health

In-game shop updates

  • Purchasing a Mythic item from the All Items view now collapses the Mythic row. You can’t buy another one anyway so we saved you some space
  • Fixed an issue where scaling the HUD could break parts of the shop
  • Various performance improvements and bug fixes

Shurima Clash

  • This round of Clash is Shurima themed. The first weekend will be April 17 and 18, and the second will be May 1 and 2. Team formation for the first weekend opens on April 12.

Season 2021 honor 5 chromas

  • When you open your Honor 5 capsule, you’ll receive one Honor 5 token that can be redeemed for Medieval Twitch, Grey Warwick, one of these new chromas, or a previously-released chroma. You have to own Medieval Twitch or Grey Warwick before you can unlock one of their chromas, but you don’t have to own them both. Honor 5 capsules also contain a random emote or ward skin

ARAM balance changes

11.8 buffs

  • Aurelion Sol: Normal to -5 percent damage taken
  • Fiora: Normal to -5 percent damage taken
  • Kassadin: +5 percent damage dealt, -5 percent damage taken to +5 percent damage dealt, -10 percent damage taken
  • Olaf: Normal to -5 percent damage taken
  • Rammus: Normal to -5 percent damage taken
  • Rengar: +5 percent damage dealt, -8 percent damage taken to +8 damage dealt, -8 percent damage taken
  • Ryze: +5 percent damage dealt, -10 percent damage taken to +8 percent damage dealt, -10 percent damage taken

11.8 buffs

  • Akali: +20 percent damage dealt, -20 percent damage taken to +5 percent damage dealt, -5 percent damage taken
  • Amumu: Normal to +5 percent damage taken
  • Leona: Normal to +5 percent damage taken
  • Ornn: -5 percent damage dealt to -10 percent damage dealt, +5 percent damage taken
  • Seraphine: -15 percent damage dealt, +15 percent damage taken, -15 percent healing, -15 percent shielding to -15 percent damage dealt, +15 percent damage taken, -20 percent healing, -20 percent shielding
  • Varus: -5 percent damage dealt to -5percent damage dealt, +5percent damage taken
  • Xerath: -5 percent damage dealt to -5 percent damage dealt. +5 percent damage taken
  • Yorick: Normal to Increasing the number of deaths required to spawn a grave from 2 to 5
  • Ziggs: -18 percent damage dealt, +15 percent damage taken to -18 percent damage dealt, +18 percent damage taken

Bug fixes and quality of life changes

  • League client: Fixed an issue where the Social panel would continuously flicker when loading the client
  • League client: Fixed an issue where players would not be able to see specific champion stats in their Profile
  • Rakan’s E – Battle Dance’s second cast now properly triggers Summon Aery
  • Sion’s R – Unstoppable Onslaught now properly knocks up really big targets
  • Corrected Corki’s E – Gatling Gun’s tooltip to properly match its actual values
  • Fixed a bug where Kennen’s W – Electrical Surge SFX would continue to play after cast until his death
  • Alistar can now generate E – Trample stacks against Morgana’s E – Black Shield and Malzahar’s Passive – Void Shift
  • Fixed a bug where Kindred’s Wolf’s W – Frenzy would not attack the Rift Scuttler if the ability was cast prior to it entering the respective ability area
  • Trundle’s W – Frozen Domain now properly increases the healing received from omnivamp
  • Fixed a bug where Jarvan IV would be able to leave R – Cataclysm’s terrain if he activates Stridebreaker and casts the ability simultaneously
  • Fixed Orianna’s tooltip which switched the damage and shield values of E – Command: Protect
  • Yuumi can no longer activate Moonstone Renewer when casting W2 – Change of Plan repeatedly on an out-of-range ally that is in combat
  • Fixed an issue where Ironspike Whip’s, Goredrinker’s, and Stridebreaker’s passives would not remove spell shields from enemy champions
  • Fixed a bug where Prowler’s Claw’s Sandswipe passive would still apply damage and its debuff to targets with spell shields
  • Knight’s Vow’s Sacrifice passive now properly redirects damage from allied Pledged champions to the user even when they’re untargetable
  • When Kayle has Kraken Slayer and uses E – Starfire Spellblade as a third attack, she will now properly deal true damage
  • Jayce now properly deals true damage on his third attack (with Kraken Slayer equipped) with Mercury Cannon in all instances, not just when he crits
  • Dark Waters Diana’s VO now properly play when she casts Q – Crescent Strike
  • Battle Academia Caitlyn’s W – Yordle Snap Trap hit VO now plays from Caitlyn’s location instead of the trap’s location. Her R – Ace in the Hole cast VO also now plays for all enemies and allies
  • Fiora’s R – Grand Challenge VO now plays from her location instead of her target’s location

Upcoming skins and chromas


  • Blackfrost Sion
  • Blackfrost Vel’Koz
  • Dragon Guardian Galio and Dragonslayer Kayle
  • Dragonslayer Twitch
  • Space Groove Gwen


  • Blackfrost Vel’Koz
  • Dragonslayer Twitch
  • Dragon Guardian Galio
  • Dragonslayer Kayle
  • Dragonslayer Twitch
  • Space Groove Gwen

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Image of Jerome Heath
Jerome Heath
Senior editor at Dot Esports. Jerome has been in and around the gaming industry for the last eight years, and he's not going anywhere anytime soon.